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They like it because they find it different from Rotis. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
They love noodles and pasta because these 2 dishes are like playfulone

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

My kids just love to have noodles they can do anything for noodles. :laugh:
The topic is going out of discussion this topic discussing about the reason why children love ot have noodles and pasta

Sarala,if you start a sub topic of the discussion,then its good that people could discuss on sub topic.

Noodles is good for Kids? NO.. Not at all.
Its a junk food.So,that is what i was discussing.

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Most of the kids love to have noodles and pasta as they will be spicy and different from daily food and even they look playfull also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Most of the kids love to have noodles and pasta as they will be spicy and different from daily food and even they look playfull also

I think Ajinomotto is that spicy content, which is not at all found in any other dishes

Meera sandhu
Ajinamoto is not good for health,i have seen it in a newspaper.
Ajinamoto is not good for health,i have seen it in a newspaper.

never buy it at home :)

Meera sandhu
Yes kids like noodles now a days than other things than a nutritious food.

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I read somewhere that maggie and noodles are also counted in junkfood so I think they are not healthful for kids as we sees in T.V.
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