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Yes.. But its too hard to cut all those stuff. Specially for me as I have never done in past.. lol

AKP try to learn ,It will help later.Everything learning is a good habit.
AKP try to learn ,It will help later.Everything learning is a good habit.

I know that.. Many told me this thing.. Even I have interest in making foods. But whenever it times to cut those veges, I just become lazy.

Actually noodles and pasta are very tasty as children love to have tasty food so they love to ahve noodles and pasta. And these are good for children too as we add vegetables in it as our children never eat vegetables we make a sald and give. but in noodles and pasta they will surely have

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes Sarala pasta and noodles are very tasty we can addict to them when we have daily of them.

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I think the attractive taste of the noodles is the reason for this.

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I too love noodles,but its not good if you we take it in daily use. It can spoil our stomach.

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Its kind of junk food,which contain lots of fat,which is not good for our health.

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As my children are very crazy to noodles I give them only once in a month!

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My father brings Spaghetti from abroad and it taste very different from indian noddles which we eat.

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