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6 years ago
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6 years ago
Okay, thank you. Nice Initiative, will stick to it.
Life is like a boat in a sea, there is a lot to learn, so never close your mind to your limited experiences!
Thank you said by: suni51
6 years ago
I try to stick to this rule. But sometimes we have to quote a few people and reply them. That time it doesn't work in one single comment. Is there a way to do so?
I am open to experience what life's mystery bag holds for me
6 years ago
Okay, thank you. Nice Initiative, will stick to it.
@epraneeth - Thank you for understanding.
I try to stick to this rule. But sometimes we have to quote a few people and reply them. That time it doesn't work in one single comment. Is there a way to do so?
@Arunima- I hope you got your answer! Thank you.
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