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Yes you can add many images in your article this is a simple process just try once you will know easily.

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Yes you can add many images in your article this is a simple process just try once you will know easily.

I did add one at the bottom easily, now I am trying to add multiple images in my next one.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

WE can add image in article through internet by image location link. But it is bit difficult to upload images from your own source

But Sarala, I have always added images from my folder. It is not a big task

Meera sandhu
WE can add image in article through internet by image location link. But it is bit difficult to upload images from your own source

But Sarala, I have always added images from my folder. It is not a big task

Yep, I have never touched an internet photo, I have a collection of more than 50k pics in different locations including clouds.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Yes you can add many images in your article this is a simple process just try once you will know easily.

I did add one at the bottom easily, now I am trying to add multiple images in my next one.

Press enter key, where you want to insert picture(after the sentence)
Then insert your image
A tip for all of you
Never save your jpeg file with the same name used in any of the articles before (in this site)
If so, your already published Picture will surely be erased and new one will be shown here.
So take care while naming your new pictures for uploading. It should never clash with previous pictures stored in your Boddunan folder.

It happened in my case :(

Meera sandhu
Thanks really for such great tips. I will certainly keep them in my mind.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Thanks really for such great tips. I will certainly keep them in my mind.

It happened when I wrote two articles on Vasthushastra. Accidently, in the second article, I named a file Vashtu3 which has same name as the picture of the first published article. Picture got changed. Now both those articles share the same picture :(
I have to resubmit it, if I get time, because I got full cash credits for that article. So, I don't want any mistake in that one.

Meera sandhu
sandhya can you tell me how you insert the image from your folder please

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sandhya can you tell me how you insert the image from your folder please

Just refer my previous posts under this thread. I have provided the link somewhere. I studied that procedure with that article.
You go through it. Still, if you have the doubts ask me :)

Meera sandhu
I tried it in my last article successfully, which have been approved but not yet on the board. Let me see further.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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