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I tried it in my last article successfully, which have been approved but not yet on the board. Let me see further.

The way by which your article is appearing it OK?
No change will be there in formatting once it is published :)

Meera sandhu
I tried it in my last article successfully, which have been approved but not yet on the board. Let me see further.

The way by which your article is appearing it OK?
No change will be there in formatting once it is published :)

Seems like, I have inserted just one in second para. As that article is a serious topic on management with 1500 words.
0013s.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

I tried it in my last article successfully, which have been approved but not yet on the board. Let me see further.

The way by which your article is appearing it OK?
No change will be there in formatting once it is published :)

Seems like, I have inserted just one in second para. As that article is a serious topic on management with 1500 words.

Serious topic. Let me think serious.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5605]}

Meera sandhu
Very good guidelines for inserting image for our article:) thanks for the valuable information:):cheer:

Hi i am very new to this site.I have not written any article since i joined it let me check it.Hope soon i will come up with articles having images in it. :laugh:
Hi i am very new to this site.I have not written any article since i joined it let me check it.Hope soon i will come up with articles having images in it. :laugh:

Hello Sanjeev,
Welcome to our group. Warm welcome from all of us :)

Meera sandhu
welcome to boddunan family and share your knowledge here.
Nice discussion about inserting images into article.
I also welcome you Sanjeev and wish you all the best for your articles. I hope you will soon begin with them.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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