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nice discussion chinmoymukherjee.... i like your thought of getting such an idea into your mind...
Abid Areacode wrote:
[quote]I also think that ignorance is a curse.But I don't think it is the curse of God.[/quote]

Ignorance is nothing but deprivation of knowledge. Knowledge is unlimited. Einstein had remarked that he was a child collecting pebbles on sea shore of knowledge.

So the question is how much knowledge one needs or must have. So much of knowledge as an ordinary person needs in prevailing circumstances for smooth functioning and maintaining relations suffices. However, more knowledge lets you go forward and get more success.

having less knowledge than needed for discharge of our work and maintaining relations is curse. Thus common knowledge is must and being deprived of the same is undoubtedly a curse.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

A very good explanation from Gulshan! The word 'curse' in this context has been used figuratively!
@ Gulshan,
How can it be a curse from God?We earn knowledge step by step.So early ignorance may lead to later development.

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That sounds interesting! More knowledge that what is necessary may put us into spot of bother!!!
Knowledge through experience is the best one and it should be given priority over all others.
It is condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed. ignorance & lack of knowledge, information, or education; the state of being is Ignorance

I agree with you chinmoy that ignorance is a curse, thank you for the post.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There is nothing like god's curse I think . He only guides . Ignorence is some where man's mistake . Agree!
Ignorance is a curse for the backward people.In my opinion ignorance is not a curse.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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