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Going through the pages of history the average lot of the honest people down the ages was hardly better but now a stage has been reached in India when the words inscribed on ASOKA Pillar mock at their faces!
Right Chinmoy! Our pages of history is splattered throughout with such examples! Once a magnificent empire with flourishing trades, greed of many led to the downfall of most Hindu dynasties!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

We read lessons of history to forget them,thus history repeats itself!!
கடவுள் கெட்டவங்களுக்கு நிறைய கொடுப்பான் ஆனா கை விட்டுடுவான்.
நல்லவ்ங்கள நிறைய சோதிப்பான் ஆனா கை விட மாட்டான்.

God will give many things to bad people, but will let them down. For good people, God will test, but wont let them down..

Its famous dialog frm movie baasha

Chinmoy hope you have got what you were looking for!
Thanks Sajeetharan for translating it. Hope chinmoy got the meaning of the tamil film dialogue. :) :)
Very apt saying!Thanks Sajeetharan for making it understandable to me!
Good topic chinmoy...honest people are really handful in numbers now a days.....

dishonest people are always there to pull them down....
honest is just another word that in the dictionary that there to please mankind!!! In reality honest men pay taxes and die poor and never to be noticed!!!Or they end up on currency and coins!!!
That's why the government should think of ways to protect this species!!!!
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