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The salaries were hiked by 300%.. and the Lalu team was now demanding for more hike. I think all the allowances that these MPs were given should be removed and then should hike the salaries. This would teach them a very good lesson.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
"Boycotting Loksabha proceedings" is the job they carry out regularly. They dont deserve salary hike. Many IT companies give salary hike depending on the performance of the individual. The same technique must be applied to handle the politicians who demand for salary hike. If that is implemented then there salaries would go negative.
It is not new thing for them to act or behave in this way. They are habitual of doing it, if they don't do it, their internal system will not be able to digest food, and they will suffer from severe loose motions.

:) :) :dry: :dry: :woohoo: :S

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.

Although the respective spheres of these three organs of our nation have been demarcated in our constitution the fact remains that the very members of our Parliament go on to head different departments of the Executive and the Prime Minister is the executive head and cabinet ministers are the heads of various departments.They are all MPs before they become ministers.So your plea that their only duty is to legislate does not pass the test.Secndly even if I leave out ministers and talk about ordinary MPs there are many such MPs who hold chairmanship of various boards and corporations.For example Mr. Somnath Chatterjee before his stint as Speaker held the chairmanship of West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation for long long years.I would also point your attention to the funds allotted under LAD to each member of parliament to be efficiently deployed in some of the areas Kalyani has mentioned .Looking at the functionality there is no such water-tight compartmentalization as far as the role of our MPs is concerned.
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