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It is no wonder then that someone described it as the 'crime capital' of the country!
Why are we obssesed with women's safety alone??? Are men not human beings?? Are they not unsafe?? Most of the people who die on the streets because of accidents and assault are men and not women. So, why are you not talking about it???
I think New Delhi is not safe for anyone expect politicians and beurocrates. The Crime Capital is progressing in criminal activities by many folds. It doesn't represent the image of India in positive manner.

Has New Delhi Government consumed SLEEPING PILLS?

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Yes! It's in a slumber and hardly stirs in it!!
Then We have to wake them up!! All the nonsense is happening under their nose.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
there is 100% of chance of You being killed if you are crossing the road in delhi because

1.for road widening and flyovers,pedestrian subway and other means for crossing the road are diminishing rapidly.already they are negligible in numbers.

2.people drive at 80 kmh on a busy road even it's not that much harming because they drive at 100 kmh when driving in wrong side,so for crossing the road Your 2 eyes should be in 2 different directions and monitor lizard didn't evolved in to human so your eye will remain in single direction
All these point to maladministration in the national capital.I wonder how Mrs. Sheila Dixit could win an award of sorts the other day!She has presiding over an administration which is utterly corrupt.
Sajeetharan wrote: [quote]Why are we obssesed with women's safety alone??? Are men not human beings?? Are they not unsafe?? Most of the people who die on the streets because of accidents and assault are men and not women. So, why are you not talking about it???
Please note: although no board code and smiley buttons are shown, they are still usable. [/quote]

Sajeetharan, the way women are treated anywhere reflects the general attitude and culture of that place and people!! And I ask you, why shouldn't we be concerned about this issue??? I agree with your point that even men are human beings and could be unsafe, then why is it that these men attack and maul women like animals at every opportunity they can grab???

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

sajeetharan wrote:
[quote]Why are we obssesed with women's safety alone??? Are men not human beings?? Are they not unsafe?? Most of the people who die on the streets because of accidents and assault are men and not women. So, why are you not talking about it???[/quote]
When a women is sexually assaulted without her will, her whole life is getting spoiled and she loses her dignity in the society without her involvement in the act.Is this problem exists for men? I don't think so.
The increasing crimes can only be curbed if the government practises severe punishment for the criminals in any matter so that it can be a lesson for the others before committing any crime.
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