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Why the fight is going on between Coffee & Tea??
Any Purpose??

None of them is good..

Go for herbal drinks...

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
@ rajani.. your article is nice

And , there was a question in the comments

Do you have any idea wheere this tea is obtained ?
Hey.... I am very much addicted to coffee. I start my day with coffee.

And I hate tea. I do not find any options dude! ;)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Sridevi wrote:
[quote]@ rajani.. your article is nice

And , there was a question in the comments

Do you have any idea wheere this tea is obtained ?[/quote]

I think you need to search this online. But mostly it is advertised in TV. I dont have idea whether it is available in malls or medical stores. There are some chinese brands which are mostly available online. :(

Hope this information helps you.
both are good.
I have a weakness for tea and I take coffe in the wintry months.To me both are stimulating!
i dont think both are good..

both affect health so know question of which is better
Both are harmful if taken excessively.

Opt for green tea.
I will always vote for tea!! occasionally Coffee is good! While like Neetu says, Green tea is good but it is still on the expensive side!

But come to think of it, regular tea too has become quite expensive!!! :( :(

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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