Hi all,

Here..Let us discuss on the positive and negative points of both tea and coffee.
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I think Tea is better than Coffee...

Coffee is linked to heart disease, raise your blood pressure. Not only that, but there are chemicals in coffee that are linked to heart disease and strokes. Not even filtered coffee can stop that.

On the other Hand, tea prevents the heart diseases and also strenghthen the bones and prevent against osteoporosis in women.

Aastha Gupta
both are good, tea is for leisurely times and coffee when you are in a hurry. :laugh:

Coffee being expensive is found LESS. However, tea drinkers are everywhere as tea is CHEAP! :P
I like tea more and usually i take tea.Some times i take coffee also but mostly I like tea but Coffee is better than tea.

Santosh Kumar Singh



The cocoa content is higher in coffee and it affects our health.Tea is better than coffee.There are many varieties of tea like ginger tea,lemon tea etc.

Coffee is usually bad for gums and health too. Tea is good for gums and it is scientifically proved that tea is good for health.

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Ok..then.. I also like tea.. :) And we have lots of herbal varieties of teas also..as Meean said.

I heard that coffee has more antioxidants than tea, so got a doubt..
I like coffee and tea both. These are not exact substitutes. even when i take a cup of coffee or two, I need to take tea. Coffee is better for beating cold.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I like tea.Coffee was prohibitted to me in childhood days itself as I was undergoing Homeopathic treatment.Coffee and Homeopathy are rivals.Still I takes coffee once in a blue moon.

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Both tea and coffee contain caffeine, the content of which is higher in coffee than tea. It is better to drink both tea as well as coffee in moderation. Caffeine works as a stimulant hence drinking either of these two drinks provides instant energy and causes alertness, but since coffee contains more caffeine, it is better to limit it to only one or two drinks a day!

Tea can be had for more than two drinks per day but not more than four!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Well i too like tea than coffee. Though we can take coffee with icecream :P :laugh:

I think green tea is best one as some where i read that it reduce the chances of memory loss due to old age. In old age the brain cells slowly die or get damanged, due to which we face memory problems.

I have written an article on slimming tea hope this will be useful.see the link

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