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Santosh Kumar Singh


It is the beauty of the evolution....

Not only in humans... You can take an example of any animal!!! This happens..and it is a part of evolution and life....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think lot of matter and factors are related to beauty like physical beauty, internal beauty , mind beauty, think etc.

Santosh Kumar Singh


nature made us like that. She got some assets more than him
Hats Off to GOD for such a beautiful and wonderful creation!!!!


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes each and everything is God creation so We always pray to God because He is God.

Santosh Kumar Singh


this topic seems to got most attention from members other than the games. every one is concerned a bit about beauty eh?
This topic attracted to member because here matter of plus and minus attraction.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think beauty is a psychological approach.What I feel beautiful may not be thing of beauty to others.For all men girls will not be beauty queens.
But "a thing of beauty is a joy for ever"

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There are lot more beautiful things than girls but yes as a human being its natural for all boys to get attracted towards girls and I am sure girls get attracted towards handsome boys too. So its a give and take offer.

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