Why Girls are more Beauty than boys?

Santosh Kumar Singh



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Who told that Girls are more beautiful?????

Beauty is nothing to so with external appearance!!!!! It is something to do with the behavior and mind!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
But I think Men Personality not seen beautiful by face wise compare to girl. What is the reason behind it.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Thats what I am asking you!!!!

Who told that the beauty lies in the facial and physical appearance???

If the beauty is always seen to be a physical component, it doesn't mean to be beautiful... Its just called Infatuation...

Beauty is something related to the mind...


Thanks 'n' Regards,
I think girls think that mens are beautiful and Mens think Girls are beautiful. You are right Deepti its depend upon our mind.

Santosh Kumar Singh



The girls attract boys. So they appear beautiful to boys. A girl does not consider another girl beautiful. A girl is attracted towards boys, whom she may consider handsome or a beautiful boy. Tulsidas has written- Naari na bhaye naari ka roopa- A woman does not like beauty of another woman.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

oh Gulshan its good you remember Tulshidas sentences. Keep it up..

Santosh Kumar Singh



:) Nice statement Ghulshan.....

I may be too phylosophical in my sayings... But its a naked fact!!!! ;)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
It is a viceversa. For Girls boys looks beautiful and for boys girls looks beautiful.

Good explanation by Gulshan :)

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In one movie there is a song like "lage mughe sundar har ladki , paise wali ho ya kadki".....

Santosh Kumar Singh



Always "Opposite poles attract" . So girls are beautiful for boys and boys are handsome for girls :)

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