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Here I have found a new forum about the extinct of Lizards!!!!

Is this true!!! Are lizards going to extinct???

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I also have a bad feeling towards Lizards.May be due to its shape, its eating style and its style of excretion!!Heard that the white part in its excreta is a serious poison also.

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Thanks for the information Abid :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
They might have scary looks but they are one of the most primitive of all creatures.
Yes Chinmoy... But I always wonder why these reptiles have such a scary look!


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Other members of the reptile order too have a scary look.May be God has willed so and created them to scare us!!!
I do not hate lizard but I be alert to away lizard from us. I do not want to touch because I feel afraid if lizard has dangerous colour.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Although all living things are part of the universe, fear and hatred are also natural. I am scared of lizards and other reptiles. I do not go near them. However, I do not harm any of them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Our planet is big enough to accommodate people,animals of all varieties and hues.Some are beautiful some are not but all should be here to make it livable!!
Yes... God is very good creator.... Our planet is big and has millions of living things present... from virus to big animals like elephants...

But, I always wonder why the feelings like hatred, dislike are also created!!!!!


Thanks 'n' Regards,
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