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It is basically a biological process and we just try to overcome this kind of aversion or dislike through reasoning.Sometimes we succeed,sometimes do not!
Yes Chinmoy --- You are right!!!!

Its a game of God's creation!!!


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Now it has become public knowledge that you alongwith most of the members have some aversion and these lizards are an endangered species,hope your aversion to it grows a little less!!! Just kidding!!
May be hope so :)

Let me tell you one incident that happened yesterday... on 15th May

I went out to buy a pot... On bargaining and looking at the pot, I happened to take it into my hands to check the quality by tapping it!!!!

Just then a lizard jumped out if it!! I screamed loudly.. luckily, I haven't let the pot down!!!!

My husband knows how much aversion and fear I have towards it!!! He asked me to comeback and would buy it later!!!!! :( :( :(

See... this is what happens even if we are in public places.... I have seen many cases like this...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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