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what should we do to get proper salary

Try to best job suitable for you is only way to get good income. If person divert from his interest and join any type of job then they get trouble in future.

Santosh Kumar Singh


As far as my understanding goes in the private sector especially in professionally managed organizations contribution of each and every employee and worker is evaluated and and he or she is remunerated accordingly.It is utmost important to draw the attention of the authorities with credible performance to win their confidence and be rewarded for it.
I think Confidence is key point for good salary. If your confidence is good then day not away from increment.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes Santosh,confidence is key to not only achieving higher remuneration but also higher goals in life.
I think only confidence is not key point another point is work perfection and communication skill.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh- selling is main strategy. You not only sell commodities. You also sell your own services in the job market. Selling yourself needs skills of trade, communication skill, knowledge of the job market, willingness to move places. Flexibility to move is very important. many people do not get good salary because of home sickness. In short, they are immobile. They are stuck at one place and they accept lower salary if they are appointed in home place.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think interest may be another reason that person force to do that job so progress become slow.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh- If a person gets job according to his aptitude and interest, he will be more efficient and skillful and get better salary. On the other hand, it happens that a person does job that he is not really interest in. So, he gets less salary.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Interest in the respective job does play a major role in determining the salary that a person gets, but with severe competition and constantly changing industrial and market scenes it may be that not everyone gets the kind of job he or she desires. We need to change our attitudes to some extent. Nowadays, when recruiting candidates, it is mostly expected that the person be greatly flexible in terms of duty shifts, work days etc. and also be ready to move locations or functional roles within the organization. In short, a person who is always alert on his toes and adapts quickly to a situation will earn more. I am not sure if this applies to each and every industry, but in BPO sector where I come from, this is the major deciding factor!

nonetheless, no matter what industry you belong to some of these things do apply to each person.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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