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Yes mean I think if we start discussion as your suggest will bring active participation and also new members can also clear there doubt from this forum
Soubhagya- I agree. Too many games are boring but helping some to earn points by continuously participating without serious discussion. This is like the discontinued mantra type threads. I have reconciled a little by making only one post in a day in such threads.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


I think the superb improvement in Boddunan's rank in recent days should be considered to be the hottest topic!
Anybody suggest a good topic so we can disscuss it here

Yes friends.. I am with you... :)

Since a week, may of the silly games are coming here in forums like mushrooms :)

Just try to start some small discussions friends...

I have already started!!!

@Fouzan, May be not here Fouzan.. we can discuss in forums :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Both games and discussions can continue as long as members enjoy having them.That sense of enjoyment should be there.That is the bottomline.
I am not happy with these games these are just to earn points and cash credit thats all.

I am not blaming any one but this is my personal feeling
Yes Soubhagya Das....

Just few games for the sake of time pass can be encouraged!!! In the recent times... there are many games coming up!!!

I see again many games coming to the front page.... ;)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I appreciate your personal feeling but lot of other discussion still running so you are not pressurize to participate in games.
If game activity giving advantage to site then its our advantage also.

So do not worry more about it just keep contributing dear friend.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I support you with whole heart.I was thinking to post the same.Many games are more or less the same.It is true that it brings traffic.But some of them are running like "Dilwale Dulhaniye....".Why they should be locked?
Once I put a suggestion to lock irrelevant discussions and moderator told he will look into it.But I don't know what happened.

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