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A doctor can not be given treatment without knowing the patient history and seriousness of the decease.

In the same way without knowing the history, never can understand the society and impossible to proceed to functioning with the different people and different projects for nation building.

You have made a very relevant and forcful point.The importance of historical lessons has been highlighted very nicely.
MC- The repetition of history is in vary nature. Human instincts like greed, rivalry, love, hate are same through ages. so, the response to a given situation is always same. This leads to repetition of history. also most of activities including economic are cyclic. This means that one complete cycle is finished and another one begins. natural phenomenon as well as human activities are cyclic. So, there is always repetition. We may attempt not to repeat history but such attempts do not succeed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Science is a tool for development, whereas arts like history, literature etc. are only teaching us life and helps us to live as human beings.

But it is ignored even in school life itself. Due importance has to be brought again.
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