History of the human civilization has a way of repeating itself.Our historical events and happenings hold lessons,yet some people choose to ignore them and reap the consquences of it.What are your views?
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I agree. All need learn from the past so as to avoid mistakes and work better. It is obvious that one who does not bother about the past will make same mistakes as our forefathers did and thus repeat history.
China deceived us in 1962. If we forget that, we may again be deceived.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes. I agree chinmoy..

First of all, one should not repeat a mistake that have already done by him. By learnig from ones mistakes makes him a better person.
Its a proverb too. "Learn from others mistakes"
Not only from ours mistakes, we should take as an opportunity to learn from others mistakes too.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
What we study from history is that we study nothing from history.
i don't know who said this, but i remember these words from my history class. :)

You have made a too sweeping statement that there is nothing to learn from history.I would like to hear more from you on this to substantiate your statement.

It is actually a quote.I heard it from my history class during the school days.i google it and found that it is a famous quote by Hegel, Friedrich,a German philosopher - "The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history".

Now isn't it true.The wars itself is an example.We know what damage a war can cause.Still we go for it again and again.After world war one, if humans have studies anything from the history, there won't be a world war 2.

It is an excellent input.As far my understanding goes of that famous quote, the great philosopher must have made that ironical statement keeping the irrational attribute in the human characters.Although we are known to be the most rational of all we can be stupendously irrational at times and the pages of the history books are littered with such follies!Thanks for providing a very good insight into this debate!
MC- what you quoted is very practical experience. Normally, we do not bother about past and we act according to our instinct. Thus History repeats itself. It would better if we could learn from our ancestors' experience and not repeat the mistakes.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Those who are out to create history without reading it,the historical lessons have no meaning for them!!
MC- what you cited is factually correct and also unfortunate. We really learn nothing from history. This results in repeating mistakes and consequential damage to society. It will be better than we learn from history.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes Gulshan.It is unfortunate.But it is the human instinct.Nothing can be done.We won't and we can't learn.
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