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Chinmoy- Let us agree that our system is formal and not real democracy. The real democracy implies powerful citizens who elect representatives who are simply servants of people and not their bosses or idols.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


Whatever you may call it- it's a democratic system after all and let us hope it surmounts some of most serious problems as you have pointed out.
Chinmoy- Most countries have democracy at least in format. China also claims democracy which is called 'Peoples' Republic of china'. Presently, there is no particular leader all powerful as Mao Tse Tung was. The decisions are taken in their parliament. As regards party system, they have one party system. India has multi party system. Some western countries have two party system. All this is internal matter of country.

I think our multi party system is best and real democracy. there is need to eliminate money and muscle power and combat tendencies of family dynastic rule Gandhi- Nehru type, communalism, regionalism etc. The political parties should learn to respect decisions that have been passed b majority in parliament. We saw recently, that in spite of majority in favour of women reservation, this has not been passed in view of opposition by some minority. If minority overrides majority view and decision not implemented, this cannot be called democracy. Democracy means that all matters are freely discussed and approved either unanimously or by majority and when finally decided, all accept whatever be their personal views.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant


By raising the resistance put up by a small yet vociferous number of parties to the passing of Women's Reservation Bill,you have pointed to one of the serious deficiencies of our democracy.It is undoubtedly true that our parliamentary democratic system has been superimposed on us and the political parties and their leaders have yet imbibe the democratic spirit and evolve a democratic culture.
Chinmoy- There are three major hurdles to our democracy. Money power, muscle power and lung power. All should respect decisions of majority. If this is not done, our system will fail. The unfortunate fact is that some parties believe that whatever they desire should be accepted even though they are a very small minority. This is obviously lack of democratic spirit.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You have chosen the most appropriate words to describe the dangers that are undermining our democracy and until and unless we are able to free ourselves from these so-called 'powers' we have very bleak future as far as our democracy is concerned.
When no political party is ready to loose its vote bank they shall certainly compromise the values of people and nation
I agree Guru. The political parties are opportunist. However democratic process by itself is not a handicap.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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