China has a communist dictatorship under which decision making process is much faster whereas the administrative juggernaut in India moves at a painfully slow pace in a democratic setup.Do you think it to be a handicap?
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Up to a limit only this is true.Because with all the shortcomings of democracy we are still a titan in Asia and the world.Of course communist dictatorship has its advantages. Their system is strong, they have strong policy, their decision making process is fast etc.. But Chinese people lack a very fundamental thing.and that is freedom .
We Indians develop with freedom.Our system maybe handicapped, but it is much better than a system which denies fundamental human rights!.
Not democracy but lack of dedication to nation, caste-ism, regionalism,communal-ism,administrative inefficiency, lack of coordination and lethargy affect performance. Democracy is not equivalent to inefficiency.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is not due to Democracy but its weak will power of our politicians. As the proverb says " There is will there is a way".
If they have strong will power to serve nation, they can find the ways to do so. Apart from this, They are very much greedy for the power. Most of the politician don't want to take any pain while performing their duties(?).

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
I agree Kumaresh. Strong will and dedication can help better management of our affairs. Democratic system is not hurdle to efficient functioning.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

china is working more efficiently and we should draw lessons from them. They also work by collective decisions. Taking collective decisions is essence of democracy but after taking decisions, these must be efficiently implemented.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Not evenly he democracy also lack of dedication to the nation, region is the major effect communality is the administrative effect, lack of coordination between literates and illiterates. Democracy is the main pointer of coordination and understanding.
All those who have paricipated have given valuable insights on this topic and let more comments come before I give my comprehensive views.
I think with all its deficiencies the democratic system is still the best mainly because the alternatives we have for it are far worse.We know the fate of a totalitarian regime like erstwhile Russia which fell like a house of cards in a few months after completing its existence for neraly 70 years.China may boast of superior economic data but it can never live down the crying shame of using battle tanks against it own people to suppress dissent i.e,Tienmann Square massacre.Indian masses in general may be poor and illiterate but they have a democratic right to dethrone regime peacefully as Late Indira Gandhi learnt at her cost!
Chinmoy- Instead of comparing political systems, we must shed lethargy, sectarianism, corruption, regionalism and castism. Democracy depends on political parties. Most of our political parties except communists are based on dynastic family, caste, religion or region. As such, our democracy is sham and unreal. What we have is anarchy- neither democracy nor totalitarianism. It is necessary to underline that democracy is not equivalent to slow pace, lethargy and indecision.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think no system is perfect and an unmitigated blessing and I do agree that the way our system functions there is tremendous scope for improvement as Denmark too has a democratic system and this tiny European ranks at the top of the table in terms of transparency and almost corruption-free.
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