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Ii's a perfect instance where one is tempted to ask: Who is going to judge the judges?
Chinmoy- Here the judges are not duly appointed by constitutional process. They are self appointed. I do not know how to differentiate from taliban.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes Gulshan, I agree they are,indeed,of taliban variety!
The Khap panchayats are really very influential. Under their pressure, the government have agreed to amend the Hindu law disallowing marriage between same Ghotra.
It may be recalled that trhe panchayats have killed many young persons for marrying in the same Ghotra (clan)

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The khap Panchayats recently gathered at Jeend (Haryana) and gave ultimatum to Central and state government to amend Hindu marriage Act for banning same village and same Ghotra marriage. They threatened to 'seal' capital on 20th May 2010 if the demand is not met. In another decision, all MPs and MLAs of haryana have been socially boycotted and people asked not to smoke Hookah and marry in families of these legislators.

This shows that khap panchayats have no respect for law and constitution. They believe they are law by themselves.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There should be strict measures taken by the authorities against these khap panchayats..who are they to punish others??

recent news from Ghaziabad is that a khap panchayat has ordered death for a couple named Rekha and Sudhir for expressing desire to get married and now the couple is on the run........ :(

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The Khap panchayats are very operative in western U.P.- particularly Meerut, Ghaziabad and adjoining places and Haryana. These are law unto themselves. They are worse than taliban.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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