The Khap or caste panchayats consider themselves as administrative and judicial authorities. These Panchayats in Western Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan are extra constitutional source of power and they have been giving death punishment to boys and girls who marry against the consent of so called society rules and within Ghotra or outside caste or whatever they mean.
A court has punished many persons guilty of killing a boy and girl who married against the wishes of Panchayat and other village chieftains. Such unlawful panchayats even inflict atrocities on so called lower castes.
The court has given welcome decision by giving appropriate punishment to these self styled village bosses.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Gulshan the states you have mentioned are not the only ones which employ facists methods.In West Bengal too we come across several such cases of Panchayat bosses handing out summary punishment.
In most parts of India such parallel system exist in one form or the other.Lack of education and ineffective administration make them grow stronger.Court orders can make a temporary effect, but a complete destruction of such evil systems can only be done by proper administration, law enforcement and also by given proper education.
Bengal had a great social reformed Raja Ram Mohan Roy, who successfully worked for abolishing sati. We do not have any such sincere reformers today. It is sad that the left government in west Bengal also is unable to change the fascist style of extra constitutional authorities. Once, I read that a woman who had gone away without her husband's permission was whipped by a West Bengal Panchayat, that included a CPM member also.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The latest development is that many chieftains of so called khap (panchayat) met and condemned Court Decision in the manoj babli case. A court had sentenced to death many khap panchyat functionaries according to law of the land.
The Khap panchayats have well demonstrated their real face. They are worse than taliban. We cannot even cmpare their dictates to fatwa by Muslim clergies as fatwa is only advisory and not challenge to court authority.
The Khap panchayats have not taken recourse to appeal process. They have condemned the court judgment. The Khap panchayats have to be given exemplary lesson. They have not only condemned the relevant court but the entire judicial system. They have made mockery of rule of law.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

These people cannot be made right with words.There is no use in taking to this illiterate people.They just can’t be corrected by talks.Only the law can act and it must take its actions.
Thank you MC for duly considering the issue involved. It is correct these KHAP panchayats are worse than Taliban and more dangerous than Naxalites. These must be dealt with severally.
Once Sati system of burning widows was common in Bengal, Rajasthan and Punjab. In Punjab, people would burn the widows and bury the leprosy patients. The British Govt. enacted law against Sati on persuasion by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. A delegation went to Punjab Governor with a request not to interfere with local traditions. They told that killing widows by burning and burying leprosy patients alive was traditional. The governor replied- Okay. We respect your traditions but you must respect ours. Our tradition is to hang till death those who kill widows, leprosy patients or whosoever.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Well said,Gulshan! All traditions do not deserve automatic recognition and acceptance.We must scrtunize these in the light of logic,rationality and humanism.The barbaric one must be discarded locl,stock and barrel.Today we have another barbaric tradition which is dowry and the most reprenhensible aspect of it is that the educated people are some of its worst practitioners!!
Well, I am against killing of any person. thats why i am against of KHAP panchayats.

but, they seriously raised a question to make amendment in Hindu marriage act to ban same clan marriage. :)
Such practices were heard in ancient Ibdia.Still it remains ???Wonderful !!!

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A panchayat in Muzaffar Nagar punished a youth for alleged teasing of a young woman by beating him with iron rod, branding a hot coin on his forehead and compelling him to drink urine. The police also arrested that youth and released him in evening. No action taken against the panchayat.
The so called panchayats in U.P are wors4e than taliban. I wonder how we say we live in democracy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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