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Of course, it goes without saying. Mother Nature should be respected for our own survival. But now it's too late. Infuriated Nature started showing its wrath in different forms like Cyclones, Tsunamis and Blizzards. It happened recently in the USA. And today in the Nellore district of AP, earth tremor took place. And be assured, such calamities will take place regularly


The natural disasters have already started occuring all over the world. We humans should be blamed for such disasters. Explosion of population and biased mindset of people have affected our nature. Even though many people are aware about the hazards of using polythene bags, deforestation, etc,  people would still do it even after knowing the consequences. People don't want to change themselves, then why mother nature will take care of us. 

 Protecting the environment is the need of the hour. All of us should know , unless we respect the environment, our very existence is at stake. Man, in the name of development, is destroying the nature . While building the new townships, many trees are cut. This felling of trees should be compensated by Afforestation. Man should know what's taken from the Nature, should be given back.


Not only these problem nature facing, even the vibrations and waves from the refrigerators cellphones etc are damaging ozone layer which protect us from sun. Now our India is in summer season and full of heat. But due to ozone layer became thin, so the heat from sun directly effecting our country and these causing even many health problems to us.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The reason fr all these ills, is abuse of Atmosphere. Humans, over exploited the nature due to excess greed . It resulted in fluctuations in temperatures, Unseasonal rains delays in Monsoons and many such irregularities, we are affected by many diseases.


sarala wrote:

Not only these problem nature facing, even the vibrations and waves from the refrigerators cellphones etc are damaging ozone layer which protect us from sun. Now our India is in summer season and full of heat. But due to ozone layer became thin, so the heat from sun directly effecting our country and these causing even many health problems to us.


Agree with you. these are man made resources that are affecting the nature. Researchers says that every year thickness of ozone layer has been reducing drastically. 


Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

Most of the environmental problems are caused by over population. Ever increasing world population is over using the natural resources leading to environment issues. 

Yes population is main cause. It is also certain that, it is not possible to stop it.


rambabu wrote:
Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

Most of the environmental problems are caused by over population. Ever increasing world population is over using the natural resources leading to environment issues. 


Yes sir. Besides over population excessive use of natural resources, the urgency for modernization and urbanization by humans leading to environmental pollution.

Cause of excessive use of natural resources in excessive population. More peoples more needs. 



anil wrote:
rambabu wrote:
Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

Most of the environmental problems are caused by over population. Ever increasing world population is over using the natural resources leading to environment issues. 


Yes sir. Besides over population excessive use of natural resources, the urgency for modernization and urbanization by humans leading to environmental pollution.

Cause of excessive use of natural resources in excessive population. More peoples more needs. 



As cities grow the density of the population becomes higher and so also the negative impact of such close living. Instead of this if several satellite cities are built around a major city there would be better distribution of population and less stress on nature and natural elements like air, water..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Now, A beautiful satellite city is coming up in Amaravati, the new capital of AP. This is well connected by both rail and airways to two most well developed cities Vizag and Kakinada.


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