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This topic interests me immensely as I loggeed over 5000 flying ours on the slowest( HT-24) to the fastest MIG 27 aircraft. A study was carried out( while in service) and it was found that unlike the armed forces where there is no reservation , the BSF has 49% reservation on caste, leading to some poor material being inducted. This is also in the flying cadre.

Though it is too early to comment on this specific case, yet the fact remains that 90% of the crash take place due  to pilot error( lack of flying skill) and poor engineering maintenance. We had submitted report on this to DGCA. But as it is politically hot, it was brushed aside.

Even in the armed forces perhaps not known to many, teh Government is insisting on a proportional representation in Air Force in ground crew, resulting in 45% of the vacancies being filled from Bihar and UP. It happens that a man with a lower IQ from Bihar gets selected and a higher IQ man from Goa may not make the grade. All this is dangerous and now I am glad I am out and on a lucrative job, but somebody ( a great man) must clear the mess.

Incidentally an aircraft aftre upgradation has a life of 50-70 years. I have flown while in USA a DC-3 of WWII which was over 60 years old Handled beautifully. The clue is engineering mainenance which is poor in India and worse in BSF and para military.

I am saddened by this loss, and I hope we have a French revolution like in 1789 and this filth of Congress as well as BJP is thrown in Bay of Bengal or Arabian sea,a choice of the sea can be given to these two political hulks.

Thank you said by: rambabu

Very informative and thought provoking response from an experienced Flyer like you. I agree, none can be a better judge than a person like you. Not knowing the intricacies involved, Common man jumps to conclusions.In all, I feel the culprit is " Reservations". The outcome of these Reservations is misfits are entering the vital spheres like Army that protects the Country.

These evils are very well known to the Congress or BJP or any other politician. Despite this these political parties do not want to remove Reservations. All these Parties are interested in Vote Banks so that they can be in Power.


Te ground staff did not do the job properly as the plane lost height as soon as it was airborne and crashed into the wall. It could have been worse but for the pilot did his best efforts.  

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