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I choose health over wealth because without healthy life no one get wealth. If our mind and body are not good, how anyone concemtrate on their work.

In life health and wealth are interrelated. 

A good health can earn good wealth and to some extent good wealth can also earn good health.

If you are healthy then you can earn wealth according to your strength and performance. And if you have good wealth you can eat well, go to doctors, live with healthy life styles. Poor wealth results poor health, you not have proper eating, have no money to go to doctors and many more.

So both health and wealth are necessary in life.


It is true that wealth cannot be enjoyed without health, but it does not mean that health is wealth. By definition, Wealth is an abundance of valuable possessions by a person. These valuables (wealths) are of different types, including: Money, Material, Property, Health, Education, Power of reasoning, Wisdom, etc. All these are wealths. That means Health is just ‘one of these wealths’. If you say ‘health is wealth’ in a generalised way, all other factors are ignored into void. 


As Rambabu said-


IT is quite heartening to see the aim of the Forums is fully served.

With this the topic comes to an end. I request the Moderator to Lock the Discussion Forum.


I lock this thread now. Thank you everyone.


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