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The link is to be visited and get your connection registered for those of us who have still not availed the subsidy in the LPG gas. This is th PAHAL(DBTL) scheme to avail online gas services. 

As far as aadhar card is concerned, it will really of any use when instead of carrying PAN card, DL, or Passport we can carry just the aadhar card as a photo ID proof.


“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

PAN Card is used maninly for financial transactions and I am not sure if it could be replaced by Aadhar which is just an identity card, unless it gets linked to our financial transactions too like it is with Social security cards abroad , which takes care of everything. Ideally every Indian citizen shd have one identity card which tracks all his/her public actions and makes it easier for identification.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Agree with you that PAN cad is used for financial transactions, but it is also used as a photo id proof, in stead of that aadhar card should also be used.

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

PAN has no residential address so it does not work as ID proof beyond a limit where address is a requirement but it works with financial purposes only.

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suni51 wrote:

PAN has no residential address so it does not work as ID proof beyond a limit where address is a requirement but it works with financial purposes only.


Which is why, Aadhar card has been given the status that serves all the purposes.


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