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A courtsey smile is most of times artificial though it is tax free to smile but still it is taxing to create smile artificially.

The receiver will not know whether it is artificial or natural. SMILE. That's all it matters.
The term courtesy implies some amount of formality, a courtesy smile need not be 200% genuine or straight from your heart. But it can go a long way to build new relationships and restore existing formal/ informal relationships.
Probably you are not aware that one needs to flex lesser facial muscles to smile whereas more to frown. :)

“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson

The term courtesy implies some amount of formality, a courtesy smile need not be 200% genuine or straight from your heart. But it can go a long way to build new relationships and restore existing formal/ informal relationships.
Probably you are not aware that one needs to flex lesser facial muscles to smile whereas more to frown. :)

They say "Happiness is only Grin deep." I know well that according to Doctors, we use only four muscles to smile. Whereas we have to use 64 muscles to frown. This amounts to huge wastage of energy. Which is why, I said whether it's courtesy smile or a heartfelt smile it doesn't matter. A Smile is a Smile.
A polite smile is always complimentary, considerate and costless but many a times opposite person sees it normal and does not put any effect on him.

People who cannot understand and purpose of a Smile can be ignored quietly and conveniently.
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