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12 years ago
I am using a desktop computer right now at my workplace and loving it. The best part is its keypad which is allowing me lot of space to move my hands freely.
Ha ha.. Yes.. That is one of the plus point of desktop keyboard over laptop... :laugh:
If key board is the main plus point of desk top, it is possible to attach the key board to lap top also.
I haven't said main, it is one of the plus point... Yeah we can attach keyboard to laptop too, but that will definitely look weird. :laugh:
And that would not serve the purpose as well, I am panning to buy another Desktop computer as soon as I return back home.
12 years ago
I am using a desktop computer right now at my workplace and loving it. The best part is its keypad which is allowing me lot of space to move my hands freely.
Ha ha.. Yes.. That is one of the plus point of desktop keyboard over laptop... :laugh:
If key board is the main plus point of desk top, it is possible to attach the key board to lap top also.
I haven't said main, it is one of the plus point... Yeah we can attach keyboard to laptop too, but that will definitely look weird. :laugh:
And that would not serve the purpose as well, I am panning to buy another Desktop computer as soon as I return back home.
Only in office... Switched to tab also these days... But only problem is that for desktop you need to sit on a chair.. although a good part but not all the time. With lap you have the relaxation to sit at ur ease..
Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
12 years ago
I am using a desktop computer right now at my workplace and loving it. The best part is its keypad which is allowing me lot of space to move my hands freely.
Ha ha.. Yes.. That is one of the plus point of desktop keyboard over laptop... :laugh:
If key board is the main plus point of desk top, it is possible to attach the key board to lap top also.
I haven't said main, it is one of the plus point... Yeah we can attach keyboard to laptop too, but that will definitely look weird. :laugh:
And that would not serve the purpose as well, I am planning to buy another Desktop computer as soon as I return back home.
Only in office... Switched to tab also these days... But only problem is that for desktop you need to sit on a chair.. although a good part but not all the time. With lap you have the relaxation to sit at ur ease..
I'll use it for typing long articles only as it enhances speed as well feel comfortable while typing. I haven't used a desktop for ages but it is making me feel better at my work place.
12 years ago
I prefer to work with a desktop in my office and a laptop in my home.
12 years ago
I like working with desktop, it has XP on it, in my desktop replacement windows 8 which is fast and secure, I like both of it, but prefers desktop while at home, while outside I still use notebook and Android, to check updates. Windows 8 powered by gpu works like charm, and with two OS simultaneously, and preferably on most notebooks is the prime reason for dipping desktop popularity.
12 years ago
Yes.I use desktop computer.There is no controversy in using that.But the only thing is portability which is adjustable for me.
12 years ago
:) I am using laptop but my first choice is desktop. Maintinance of desktop is cheeper than laptop.
11 years ago
I have been using desk top computers since 1987, i.e. the first generation computers in India and still I have been
using the same though with due up-gradations at par with the improvements brought in the hardware and software
from time to time. Desk-top has become inevitable on my part. It suits my nature of work, operational skill and above
all my age. In the field of electronics, gadgets have been changing rapidly, and it is not affordable on my part to shift
to the latest introduction. As my family members comment on me...... my computer is my second wife. .....with which I
cannot dream of a separation.
using the same though with due up-gradations at par with the improvements brought in the hardware and software
from time to time. Desk-top has become inevitable on my part. It suits my nature of work, operational skill and above
all my age. In the field of electronics, gadgets have been changing rapidly, and it is not affordable on my part to shift
to the latest introduction. As my family members comment on me...... my computer is my second wife. .....with which I
cannot dream of a separation.
11 years ago
I have been using desk top computers since 1987, i.e. the first generation computers in India and still I have been
using the same though with due up-gradations at par with the improvements brought in the hardware and software
from time to time. Desk-top has become inevitable on my part. It suits my nature of work, operational skill and above
all my age. In the field of electronics, gadgets have been changing rapidly, and it is not affordable on my part to shift
to the latest introduction. As my family members comment on me...... my computer is my second wife. .....with which I
cannot dream of a separation.
Ha haa.. sir this is same in every family. My wife call my gadgets as her sautan...
Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
11 years ago
yes I still use desktop but recently I have bought andriod phone so don't sue desktop more. one issue I am facing while doing boddunan on phone is - I am not able to see the full screen.
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