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BBL was on certain topic on which you had to write specified number of articles. In absence of BBL, you may write articles on any topic. This will also give you cash. Do, it is best to write articles on your favorite subjects and participate in various activities.

That I'm doing of course. But that competitive spirit is not there.

BBL is not a competition BIGBRO- no one is pitted against any one but only you get inspired by the time frame and of course to reach minimum number of articles on a particular subject.

When there is an eligibility criteria, a deadline and the word "Winner" is used, what BBL is if not competition?

I would never like to compete against you bigbro- I would rather skip it this time in that case. ;) :laugh:

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BBL was on certain topic on which you had to write specified number of articles. In absence of BBL, you may write articles on any topic. This will also give you cash. Do, it is best to write articles on your favorite subjects and participate in various activities.

That I'm doing of course. But that competitive spirit is not there.

BBL is not a competition BIGBRO- no one is pitted against any one but only you get inspired by the time frame and of course to reach minimum number of articles on a particular subject.

When there is an eligibility criteria, a deadline and the word "Winner" is used, what BBL is if not competition?

I would never like to compete against you bigbro- I would rather skip it this time in that case. ;) :laugh:

No No Sunil BBL, without Sunil? Beyond imagination Munna
Anyways, as you said its not a cutthroat competition. is an in house family competition.
One must agree, Competitions enliven the milieu of this site15 days in a month. And there will be an air of excitement, anticipation and thrill all rolled in one during that period.
Now with the cancellation of BBL6 for justified reasons as informed by the Administrator, life looks drab, dull and dreary.
How do you feel Friends?

I agree with you, but for me it has worked out well since I have been extremely busy the past two weeks and will continue to be so, so in a way I am grateful that it has been postponed...I am finding difficult to submit any articles because of work pressure , so BBL 6 would have been really tough!! :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It's really a great contest where we need to concentrate our mind only on one makes our mind and brain sharper producing a lot of articles.
This time, am also happy that Boddunan league is shifted to next month beginning.
Now am busy with some personal problems (well problems), my mind is disturbed too.
also, when the BBL will be conducted next month beginning, it ends before 15.
My daughter's final term exam starts on 15th or 16th. So i will be free that time to make her prepare for the exams

Meera sandhu
BBL was on certain topic on which you had to write specified number of articles. In absence of BBL, you may write articles on any topic. This will also give you cash. Do, it is best to write articles on your favorite subjects and participate in various activities.

That I'm doing of course. But that competitive spirit is not there.

BBL is not a competition BIGBRO- no one is pitted against any one but only you get inspired by the time frame and of course to reach minimum number of articles on a particular subject.

When there is an eligibility criteria, a deadline and the word "Winner" is used, what BBL is if not competition?

I would never like to compete against you bigbro- I would rather skip it this time in that case. ;) :laugh:

No No Sunil BBL, without Sunil? Beyond imagination Munna
Anyways, as you said its not a cutthroat competition. is an in house family competition.

Actually I am not sure if I could be able to participate this time around and even if I do, I am not sure if I could complete it. Only time would tell whether I shall have enough time to write even 10 mandatory if my call comes as per scheduled. depends on dates to join my classes there.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

BBL was on certain topic on which you had to write specified number of articles. In absence of BBL, you may write articles on any topic. This will also give you cash. Do, it is best to write articles on your favorite subjects and participate in various activities.

That I'm doing of course. But that competitive spirit is not there.

BBL is not a competition BIGBRO- no one is pitted against any one but only you get inspired by the time frame and of course to reach minimum number of articles on a particular subject.

When there is an eligibility criteria, a deadline and the word "Winner" is used, what BBL is if not competition?

I would never like to compete against you bigbro- I would rather skip it this time in that case. ;) :laugh:

No No Sunil BBL, without Sunil? Beyond imagination Munna
Anyways, as you said its not a cutthroat competition. is an in house family competition.

Actually I am not sure if I could be able to participate this time around and even if I do, I am not sure if I could complete it. Only time would tell whether I shall have enough time to write even 10 mandatory if my call comes as per scheduled. depends on dates to join my classes there.

Without interfering and clashing with the work abroad, you try your best to to contribute here.
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