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According to their beliefs, Muslims never put money in bank for interest. It's Haraam to them.
It's one among the nice principles of Islam. That's the reason why they don't collect tax.
same is the case of liquor.

I know some who do not have life insurances for the very same reason! Think about what disaster to the families when the man of the house dies leaving them in quite a lurch! :blink: :blink:

my hubby now works in a Muslim nominated region, earlier at Kodungallor too....Majority of Muslims are NRIs. Yet they never take insurance policies or deposit money in bank for interest. That's the reason why my hubby not able to reach the monthly target for the past 4 or 5 years though he tries his level best :( :( . So, huge pressure :S :S

Tell him to take transfer to a Hindu religion.
According to their beliefs, Muslims never put money in bank for interest. It's Haraam to them.
It's one among the nice principles of Islam. That's the reason why they don't collect tax.
same is the case of liquor.

I know some who do not have life insurances for the very same reason! Think about what disaster to the families when the man of the house dies leaving them in quite a lurch! :blink: :blink:

my hubby now works in a Muslim nominated region, earlier at Kodungallor too....Majority of Muslims are NRIs. Yet they never take insurance policies or deposit money in bank for interest. That's the reason why my hubby not able to reach the monthly target for the past 4 or 5 years though he tries his level best :( :( . So, huge pressure :S :S

Tell him to take transfer to a Hindu religion.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Too funny
Thrissur district as whole is Muslim and Christian nominated society.... :woohoo: :woohoo:
all rich belongs to either one of these communities and all poor belongs to Hindus :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
According to their beliefs, Muslims never put money in bank for interest. It's Haraam to them.
It's one among the nice principles of Islam. That's the reason why they don't collect tax.
same is the case of liquor.

I know some who do not have life insurances for the very same reason! Think about what disaster to the families when the man of the house dies leaving them in quite a lurch! :blink: :blink:

But they are changed mam they all are keeping their money in banks.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Here are some countries which has no tax.

I too will join the chorus - the title is misleading. I too was pleasantly shocked to see that there is no need to pay tax. :laugh: However, the lighter side is that the thread got lots of hits with such replies. The one who reads it for the first time, is curious to see what's inside.
It is really wonderful if our country also have no tax...
Here are some countries which has no tax.

Your Title is misleading. The thread says about those countries where there are no taxes. From the title, I thought I need not pay income tax from now.

I thought the same, that Sasi was teaching us to hood wink the finance ministry lol :laugh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Here are some countries which has no tax.

Your Title is misleading. The thread says about those countries where there are no taxes. From the title, I thought I need not pay income tax from now.

I thought the same, that Sasi was teaching us to hood wink the finance ministry lol :laugh:

I thought i could get a foolproof clue to evade my income tax. it was a damp squib.
Yes some Muslim countries don't have taxes but some alternative methods are followed by them. For loans also they do not have interest as we have as in Quran paying interest on loan is not allowed.
Yes some Muslim countries don't have taxes but some alternative methods are followed by them. For loans also they do not have interest as we have as in Quran paying interest on loan is not allowed.

Their rules are based on Quran. So, it is understandable that they have different rules. The word "tax" is what matters. After all, they will be certainly having some different kind of "tax". How can it be totally exempted?
Yes some Muslim countries don't have taxes but some alternative methods are followed by them. For loans also they do not have interest as we have as in Quran paying interest on loan is not allowed.

Their rules are based on Quran. So, it is understandable that they have different rules. The word "tax" is what matters. After all, they will be certainly having some different kind of "tax". How can it be totally exempted?

I think you have understood what I stated.." Muslim countries don't have taxes but some alternative methods are followed by them"
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