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Here are some countries which has no tax.

Your Title is misleading. The thread says about those countries where there are no taxes. From the title, I thought I need not pay income tax from now.

I thought the same, that Sasi was teaching us to hood wink the finance ministry lol :laugh:

I thought i could get a foolproof clue to evade my income tax. it was a damp squib.

Rambabuji, even I thought on EXACT the same lines as you did. I thought it was a complete plan on (avoiding) refrain from paying tax. But it was indeed a damp squib. :laugh: :laugh:
Yes some Muslim countries don't have taxes but some alternative methods are followed by them. For loans also they do not have interest as we have as in Quran paying interest on loan is not allowed.

Their rules are based on Quran. So, it is understandable that they have different rules. The word "tax" is what matters. After all, they will be certainly having some different kind of "tax". How can it be totally exempted?

I think you have understood what I stated.." Muslim countries don't have taxes but some alternative methods are followed by them"

Yes that's right Rajani, if not tax , they collect funds through other means, otherwise how will they earn revenues to run a country ?

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Rajani K
Don't worry friends, this year F/ minister would exempt some more tax as the range will be increased.
Don't worry friends, this year F/ minister would exempt some more tax as the range will be increased.

I am really looking forward to the budget. I hope the FM increases the tax slab exsumption. With increasing devaluation of the currency, that should happen.
According to their beliefs, Muslims never put money in bank for interest. It's Haraam to them.
It's one among the nice principles of Islam. That's the reason why they don't collect tax.
same is the case of liquor.

This is first time I am hearing that they don't put money in bank.

They do put money in banks but some muslim banks do not pay interest, neither charge interest when they lend money to needy ones.
There are such banks in India also but run by Muslim organizations and for Muslims only. There are many Muslims who avail the services. Mostly one or two men branches located near mosques or in Muslim areas.

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According to their beliefs, Muslims never put money in bank for interest. It's Haraam to them.
It's one among the nice principles of Islam. That's the reason why they don't collect tax.
same is the case of liquor.

I think that there is some play with words. Muslims want return on their deposit and interest but hate the word 'interest'. So, if they are paid return on their deposit in form of dividend or participation in profit, they welcome. This is what Islamic Banking is about.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: rambabu
According to their beliefs, Muslims never put money in bank for interest. It's Haraam to them.
It's one among the nice principles of Islam. That's the reason why they don't collect tax.
same is the case of liquor.

I think that there is some play with words. Muslims want return on their deposit and interest but hate the word 'interest'. So, if they are paid return on their deposit in form of dividend or participation in profit, they welcome. This is what Islamic Banking is about.

Most lucid way you explained things. They are not against anything that will not carry the word :"Interest". If its called with another name, they accept it. thank you
According to their beliefs, Muslims never put money in bank for interest. It's Haraam to them.
It's one among the nice principles of Islam. That's the reason why they don't collect tax.
same is the case of liquor.

I think that there is some play with words. Muslims want return on their deposit and interest but hate the word 'interest'. So, if they are paid return on their deposit in form of dividend or participation in profit, they welcome. This is what Islamic Banking is about.

I stated, they never put money in banks for interest. Instead they invest in realty.... :P
They buy lands, buildings and property. Wise heads ;) ;) They know it well, investing in lands is better than investing in banks :woohoo: :woohoo:
In most cases, Muslims as a group buy a property. By this way, they can raise money easily. :P :P
No wonder, more than 75% of buildings of main town of Thrissur belong to Muslims and in most cases it belong to a group of people :cheer: :cheer:
all information given by my hubby

Meera sandhu
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