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let me tell you about my previous residence Kodungallur.....
The gateway of three major religions to India, the place where first mosque of India was built.
even in the 21st century, after 6 pm, Hindu ladies never go out. It's a muslim nominated place and Christians are below 10%. Only Muslim ladies go out after's somewhat like a social custom there. Hindu ladies are very rarely seen out at night. I don't know why.
But let me tell you we family go out in the evenings for shopping. He can't leave bank till it's dark and that's the reason.

But I think, ladies go to Kodungallur devi temple for Deeparadhana at 6.30 pm

Meera sandhu
let me tell you about my previous residence Kodungallur.....
The gateway of three major religions to India, the place where first mosque of India was built.
even in the 21st century, after 6 pm, Hindu ladies never go out. It's a muslim nominated place and Christians are below 10%. Only Muslim ladies go out after's somewhat like a social custom there. Hindu ladies are very rarely seen out at night. I don't know why.
But let me tell you we family go out in the evenings for shopping. He can't leave bank till it's dark and that's the reason.

But I think, ladies go to Kodungallur devi temple for Deeparadhana at 6.30 pm

6PM mentioned by me is only symbolic as it's beginning of darkness in most places but the time has not ascertained by any one but for ones own safety especially for ladies what our country' women are facing today.
We should have such an environment in our country where no woman feels afraid of bad elements but bad elements should feel afraid, religion nothing to do as who goes out and who stays in. Our system would have to work hard in this matter.

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