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How we can know this is our last day. I can say one example when we are retiring from job we can give gifts to the collegues but in life we cannot say any thing.

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Actually there is something really nice to do afterall ...since there is no need to worry about tomorrow,heart problems,weight gain,cancer worries etc etc, I guess I will eat all the food that I restrict myself on ,desserts with cream,ghee and butter and sweets all day long..why not make the most of it :huh:

Usha ji why restrict it now also. enjoy now only. Life is always unpredictable and even after knowing that why we don't enjoy small pleasure and satisfy ourselves, I dont understand... :)
Actually there is something really nice to do afterall ...since there is no need to worry about tomorrow,heart problems,weight gain,cancer worries etc etc, I guess I will eat all the food that I restrict myself on ,desserts with cream,ghee and butter and sweets all day long..why not make the most of it :huh:

Usha ji why restrict it now also. enjoy now only. Life is always unpredictable and even after knowing that why we don't enjoy small pleasure and satisfy ourselves, I dont understand... :)

I have a blast Rajni always....there is no question of restrictions or anything else as far as I am concerned....I advise others to do the same as well...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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