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If you extend the definition of 'family', whole nation is family. It is no charity to help weaker persons. But it is better to enable them to become self dependent rather than give charity. According to a Chinese proverb, if you provide fish, you feed only once but if you teach fishing, you feed ever.

Yes Sir.. In the same way.. Charity has its own definition. It is also a charity when you are taking your time out , to enable someone do something so that he can make its living...

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
If you extend the definition of 'family', whole nation is family. It is no charity to help weaker persons. But it is better to enable them to become self dependent rather than give charity. According to a Chinese proverb, if you provide fish, you feed only once but if you teach fishing, you feed ever.

Gulshan sir , you got the bulls eye :woohoo: thats what exactly one needs to do or at least try to do. and very impressive proverb if that comes true unemployment will vanish from everywhere :) :)
If you extend the definition of 'family', whole nation is family. It is no charity to help weaker persons. But it is better to enable them to become self dependent rather than give charity. According to a Chinese proverb, if you provide fish, you feed only once but if you teach fishing, you feed ever.

I agree with that, there is no need to go on helping when the better option would be to show them the way to earn and be independent...The Chinese proverb is very apt and wise..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

In home we all had sympathy with each member of the family.They are our own.But if we help other outside the family it is called charity.We have certain feelings for others.

Sharmistha Banerjee
We should not encourage begging ,but those who have no any other option, should be helped and charity is a great virtue.
Charity is something more than mere kindness. It is not a beggar's dole that we offer and then pass on and forget.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Charity is something more than mere kindness. It is not a beggar's dole that we offer and then pass on and forget.

"charity begins at home" is a proverb that digs at those who help their kin and claim they have done charity , When it comes to help outsiders they shy away. Such people are reprimanded with this idiom , 'charity begins at home but it should not end there.'
Charity is something more than mere kindness. It is not a beggar's dole that we offer and then pass on and forget.

"charity begins at home" is a proverb that digs at those who help their kin and claim they have done charity , When it comes to help outsiders they shy away. Such people are reprimanded with this idiom , 'charity begins at home but it should not end there.'

thank you sir you have give given us the complete version of the proverb .. i totally agree that the actual proverb should be "charity begins at home but it should not end there." and i think the old one should be replaced with this newer version like we renew the version of software like as we get the better ones. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
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