do you think that charity begins at home? i think that if you help someone in your family , it cant be called charity. once in my college the professor asked students that what charity have they done and one of the student replied that she used to help her mother at household work. i think that cant be called charity because its our duty to help our family members. B) B)
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do you think that charity begins at home? i think that if you help someone in your family , it cant be called charity. once in my college the professor asked students that what charity have they done and one of the student replied that she used to help her mother at household work. i think that cant be called charity because its our duty to help our family members. B) B)

Arjun, I am sorry to say that one should never encourage any kind of begging since trying to live on charity is only that and some people have the habit of doing that all their life.
Having said that , as individuals we do have some duty towards our family esp parents and also siblings, it is more pout of love affection and closeness, so as you rightly point out , this is not charity and also helping out at home is definitely not charity, it is just sharing responsibility..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I would call it charity as when we do help anyone it is called charity but it depends one should help someone who require it. :)
there is no home charity. If we do any help at home, i feel it does not come under charity. When we help poor people outside that is known as charity.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Charity is also a grant. Nobody can grant anything to their parents. This is mean thinking. Charity is something which well to do people or well educated people do for the needy people without money or anything in exchange. This is social work. They do for social welfare of the countrymen..
I think we are taking it wrong. Its just a metaphor. It doesn't mean we are giving money to our parents or family members...
Here charity means helping out the close ones rather than caring about solving the pain of others. The point is , there is no point in stopping the tears of your friends mom when your own mother is crying at home. Its about starting from your home and if u have served your home well , then move to outside world... :) :).
I hope i am right...

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
do you think that charity begins at home? i think that if you help someone in your family , it cant be called charity. once in my college the professor asked students that what charity have they done and one of the student replied that she used to help her mother at household work. i think that cant be called charity because its our duty to help our family members. B) B)

Yes. I strongly believe that charity begins at home. Besides, almost all the virtues start from home.

Born to express, not to impress.
I think we are taking it wrong. Its just a metaphor. It doesn't mean we are giving money to our parents or family members...
Here charity means helping out the close ones rather than caring about solving the pain of others. The point is , there is no point in stopping the tears of your friends mom when your own mother is crying at home. Its about starting from your home and if u have served your home well , then move to outside world... :) :).
I hope i am right...

Yes you are correct puneet. Charity always begins at home. We should first see our home first. Now a days most of the working couples joined their parents in old age homes and they are donating some amount monthly to some helping organizations. I don't think it is correct. We have to take care of our home first.
Thank you said by: Puneet Chhabra
do you think that charity begins at home? i think that if you help someone in your family , it cant be called charity. once in my college the professor asked students that what charity have they done and one of the student replied that she used to help her mother at household work. i think that cant be called charity because its our duty to help our family members. B) B)

we can't say that if we help someone at home without expecting anything it comes under charity. But it indirectly implies that good lessons are started from our home beginning in small things. It also means that if someone can't do a help to someone near to heart, how can he serve a country man?

Meera sandhu
I think we are taking it wrong. Its just a metaphor. It doesn't mean we are giving money to our parents or family members...
Here charity means helping out the close ones rather than caring about solving the pain of others. The point is , there is no point in stopping the tears of your friends mom when your own mother is crying at home. Its about starting from your home and if u have served your home well , then move to outside world... :) :).
I hope i am right...

Yes you are correct puneet. Charity always begins at home. We should first see our home first. Now a days most of the working couples joined their parents in old age homes and they are donating some amount monthly to some helping organizations. I don't think it is correct. We have to take care of our home first.

Thanks Arun.. Yes Family first.. Care for them first.. then others..

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
If you extend the definition of 'family', whole nation is family. It is no charity to help weaker persons. But it is better to enable them to become self dependent rather than give charity. According to a Chinese proverb, if you provide fish, you feed only once but if you teach fishing, you feed ever.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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