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Actually I have no enemies but my relatives are my enemies as they always cry in my development

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Every human has enemies as well as well wishers but some recognize them and some may not. Though we deliberately dont make enemies they come without our intervention.

Regarding the quote I still didnt understand what that " something" stands here
I have no enemies. There may be clash of interest as well as difference in opinion. This does not and must not generate enmity.

I think there is no human being with zero enemies on earth.[/quote

As I stated, difference in opinion and competition do not make enemy. Rivalry is not enmity. Moreover, enmity arises from three causes: Land, woman and money. I have no land, no woman and no money. There is no cause for enmity.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You quoted Gulshanji's answer twice and answered in two different ways. surprising!!!!

Now coming to the quote.
"Good", says sir Winston Churchill , "that means you have stood up for something sometimes in your life."

Let me add a little more, that 'good', was never a harm to an innocent man, I agree. Otherwise not!!

That's implied Sandhya " Standing Up for something" says Standing Up for something good. Then how it can harm an innocent?

I didn't get the meaning of this phrase fully :blink:

Meera sandhu
You quoted Gulshanji's answer twice and answered in two different ways. surprising!!!!

Now coming to the quote.
"Good", says sir Winston Churchill , "that means you have stood up for something sometimes in your life."

Let me add a little more, that 'good', was never a harm to an innocent man, I agree. Otherwise not!!

That's implied Sandhya " Standing Up for something" says Standing Up for something good. Then how it can harm an innocent?

I didn't get the meaning of this phrase fully :blink:

I too cant understand what it means. It would be useful if explanation is given on this. Eagerly waiting for that.

Born to express, not to impress.
Enemity is a strong word which implies an ongoing issue that has some unresolved problem between people.There will be minor misunderstandings and difference of opinion with people , but to call them as enemies is too strong a word.Again, you might feel strongly negative about someone today because of some issues but you may feel differently later I would say that one cannot have enemies unless one has had a long standing mis understanding or a family feud.

People turning in to bitter enemies on trivialities is not an uncommon scenario.
Yes I have enemies.One of my friend is very jealous of me.She always tries to hurt me.I even don't know what is the reason of her such behavior.

Sharmistha Banerjee
You quoted Gulshanji's answer twice and answered in two different ways. surprising!!!!

Now coming to the quote.
"Good", says sir Winston Churchill , "that means you have stood up for something sometimes in your life."

Let me add a little more, that 'good', was never a harm to an innocent man, I agree. Otherwise not!!

That's implied Sandhya " Standing Up for something" says Standing Up for something good. Then how it can harm an innocent?

I didn't get the meaning of this phrase fully :blink:

Dictionary meaning of “Standing up for something” is To remain stable, upright, or intact. It’s used for positive and noble purposes only. If someone says ‘Gandhi Ji stood for self-reliance’, it means Gandhi Ji was firm and uncompromising for achieving self- reliance.
I have no enemies. There may be clash of interest as well as difference in opinion. This does not and must not generate enmity.

Gulshan ji, You may treat noone as enemies. But definitely there will be atleast one person who treat you as enemy. Then how can you say you are no enemied person?

So far, nobody has considered me enemy or done anything to harm me. Hence, I can't say that anyone is my enemy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Enemity is a strong word which implies an ongoing issue that has some unresolved problem between people.There will be minor misunderstandings and difference of opinion with people , but to call them as enemies is too strong a word.Again, you might feel strongly negative about someone today because of some issues but you may feel differently later I would say that one cannot have enemies unless one has had a long standing mis understanding or a family feud.

People turning in to bitter enemies on trivialities is not an uncommon scenario.

Oh yes it can happen when money or any kind of personal or financial gain is concerned, also people go berserk over property matters and such enmity can go on for generations together...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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