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Real friend is one who will stay with us in our difficult situations, others will go away when we are in difficult situation.
Real friend is one who will stay with us in our difficult situations, others will go away when we are in difficult situation.

rather in difficult time only you would come to know who is your real friend and who is not.I always believe just claiming that someone is my best friend is not enough one has to prove it by his/her deeds also. :) :)
choosing of friend also very difficult task. Some may act like a friend and doing deeds against us.
choosing of friend also very difficult task. Some may act like a friend and doing deeds against us.

Yes its tough but not impossible but that's for sure we must identify a person then should make him/her a friend as without knowing them fully can cause us harm only. :) :)
Friends give energy to us when we are getting down and in our failures. They will not leave us alone when our failures.
Friends give energy to us when we are getting down and in our failures. They will not leave us alone when our failures.

If they leave you during your failures then they are not your true friends as I never leave my friends when they are in trouble though I may when they are happy even I expect the same thing from them. :)
Friends give energy to us when we are getting down and in our failures. They will not leave us alone when our failures.

If they leave you during your failures then they are not your true friends as I never leave my friends when they are in trouble though I may when they are happy even I expect the same thing from them. :)

You and your conscience alone are good friends. It is no use expecting too much from friends. When in difficulty, it is unreasonable to expect help. It is your own strength and good sense that will help. In this connection, I appreciate Indira Gandhi. She was badly defeated in elections and there were inquiries against her. But only her courage and determination helped her and she again became P.M.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Friendship is like a rainbow,it is bright and full of color.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Friendship is a bond that is not able to separate by anyone. That bond always with us in our fears and happiness.
Friends give energy to us when we are getting down and in our failures. They will not leave us alone when our failures.

If they leave you during your failures then they are not your true friends as I never leave my friends when they are in trouble though I may when they are happy even I expect the same thing from them. :)

You and your conscience alone are good friends. It is no use expecting too much from friends. When in difficulty, it is unreasonable to expect help. It is your own strength and good sense that will help. In this connection, I appreciate Indira Gandhi. She was badly defeated in elections and there were inquiries against her. But only her courage and determination helped her and she again became P.M.

I don't expect much from friends but to expect some favor during some difficulties is not bad thing we can expect it from our friends otherwise why should we call them our friend. :blink:
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