We all collect something throughout our life. What have you collected so far?
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I am not fond of collecting things like stamps, coins etc. However, I have collected some books.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am into collecting views on my articles on different sites. That is my foremost hobby these days.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work


I collected all my child hood dresses and also the photograph of my childhood.Which I often take out and watch.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I had a friend of mine who used to collect used up refills of pens and wrappers. :P
I have a hobby of collecting old cards. I have a good collection. :)

Live in the present :)
I am not fond of collecting anything. Never collecting any special thing in life. :)

Apart from books, I also love collecting recipes that appear in magazines. Whether I prepare those dishes or not but I enjoy going through my collections
i don't have a habit of collecting things but since I have my kids I collect their photographs so that I may show them how they were in their childhood. :laugh:
I have a hobby to collect coins of different times. Still now I have coins from 1920 to 2012.

I love collecting movies and old Hindi serials of 90's like dekh bhai dekh,
Jungle book, Vyomkesh bakshi. :) :)
1TB already done. Planning to buy 2TB hardisk for new collection.

Life is a box of Chocolate, You never know what you gonna get.... :)
I love collecting movies and old Hindi serials of 90's like dekh bhai dekh,
Jungle book, Vyomkesh bakshi. :) :)
1TB already done. Planning to buy 2TB hardisk for new collection.

Vyomkesh Bakshi was one of the best serials all time I have seen ever. :)
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