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Friends I didn't expect funny answers from all of you. However I like it. You all are having fun that means the thread is interesting. I have actually posted this thread under general discussion because I meant to discuss some scientific reasons behind it. Lets talk about a football, volleyball and basketball. They are not the same. They have different shape and size. It looks totally different. Can anybody guess the reason behind it?
Friends I didn't expect funny answers from all of you. However I like it. You all are having fun that means the thread is interesting. I have actually posted this thread under general discussion because I meant to discuss some scientific reasons behind it. Lets talk about a football, volleyball and basketball. They are not the same. They have different shape and size. It looks totally different. Can anybody guess the reason behind it?

The games just look once foot ball with foot, volley ball with hands but basket ball with both both hands and legs. So every ball has its own talent for playing .

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Because a football cannot be used to play golf. :laugh: Imagine if we had to play golf using a football then we would have to dig such big holes in the ground. :silly:

Imagine if we played tennis with football or a basketball then giant rackets would have to be used. :laugh: And only giant people would have been able to play tennis. :laugh:

Or Ping-Pong ball used for playing cricket, it would never reach to the other end. May be a bowler could not hold a football to bowl at a batsman in cricket.

This is very funny. I like it. Friends actually it is my mistake. I should have written few more lines in the above thread. I didn't mean to compare small balls with the big size balls. I agree I have written about the sizes. That has made this thread more funny.
No matter you can laugh.
Think guys. Why the ping pong ball and jumping ball are different? Why football, basket ball and volleyball are different?
Why we use different materials to make it? Why the shape and colour is different?
Thank you said by: Ashii
football, volleyball and basketball are almost same and we can play these three games with same ball although there are different weight, and material used. But there are balls of baseball, pingpong and cricket those are different.

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football, volleyball and basketball are almost same and we can play these three games with same ball although there are different weight, and material used. But there are balls of baseball, pingpong and cricket those are different.

We cannot play all balls same games as we will break the legs and hands.

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Friends I didn't expect funny answers from all of you. However I like it. You all are having fun that means the thread is interesting. I have actually posted this thread under general discussion because I meant to discuss some scientific reasons behind it. Lets talk about a football, volleyball and basketball. They are not the same. They have different shape and size. It looks totally different. Can anybody guess the reason behind it?

The games just look once foot ball with foot, volley ball with hands but basket ball with both both hands and legs. So every ball has its own talent for playing .

Talent here means the capacity of the ball to jump. That's what I meant to point out. The material with which ball is made and the air inside the ball makes the difference in jumping up to a particular height. We want a tough but light weight ball to kick in football that's why we use rubber balls, etc... In case of volleyball and dough ball, the shape of the ball is oval bacause we use our hands more. It is better in gripping and throwing.
football, volleyball and basketball are almost same and we can play these three games with same ball although there are different weight, and material used. But there are balls of baseball, pingpong and cricket those are different.

We cannot play all balls same games as we will break the legs and hands.

Who know it better than the batsman of Boddunan :P :P

Meera sandhu
If I ask why we do not use knife for shaving instead of razor, would this make any sense

I think this one is enough to answer your question. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
If I ask why we do not use knife for shaving instead of razor, would this make any sense

I think this one is enough to answer your question. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

I think in the ancient periods, there were no razors but knife for shaving purposes.
Friends I have one more information regarding this topic. In the games like water polo and water volley ball, balls are made of nylon or rubber which can be easily be folded. Balls used in water games are also coated with good quality plastic so that it can float and does not get wet.
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