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If I ask why we do not use knife for shaving instead of razor, would this make any sense

I think this one is enough to answer your question. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

I think in the ancient periods, there were no razors but knife for shaving purposes.

But we are not living in ancient period so we can use different sizes of balls for different sport. if we were living in an ancient period then we would have been using football to play cricket. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Many time we can understand the inner meaning but can not say, just like farming is not possible with goat.
The shapes have been made so that people will have no difficulty in carrying them or when lifting them.A small child cannot lift a huge ball so for them there are small balls.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Devyani, all fingers are not same size and as all people are not same. in the same way all games are in not same, they are played different. So according to the game the ball size has been defined.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Friends I didn't expect funny answers from all of you. However I like it. You all are having fun that means the thread is interesting. I have actually posted this thread under general discussion because I meant to discuss some scientific reasons behind it. Lets talk about a football, volleyball and basketball. They are not the same. They have different shape and size. It looks totally different. Can anybody guess the reason behind it?

:dry: I doubt you will get any sane responses here ...I found this link which you may find useful..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Can you assume people playing football with a cricket ball or tennis ball. Also, can someone play tennis with a cricket ball. What would it be, if we play cricket with foot ball or tennis ball.
For a cricket ball to reach boundaries it should need a certain weight which is not at possible with a tennis ball. Also, if size of a ball is too small, how much difficulties a foot player will face to see and kick with feet, when ball always travel in random or zig zag manner, exactly opposite way of cricket, where a ball is always bowled straight.
Suppose someone play tennis with cricket ball, he may get will be too big for him to play

Meera sandhu
Can you assume people playing football with a cricket ball or tennis ball. Also, can someone play tennis with a cricket ball. What would it be, if we play cricket with foot ball or tennis ball.
For a cricket ball to reach boundaries it should need a certain weight which is not at possible with a tennis ball. Also, if size of a ball is too small, how much difficulties a foot player will face to see and kick with feet, when ball always travel in random or zig zag manner, exactly opposite way of cricket, where a ball is always bowled straight.
Suppose someone play tennis with cricket ball, he may get will be too big for him to play

We can play the game in the way we feel like but the name of the game will be something else. It is the human beings who has made rules and created such games.
Well my motive is to mark the cause behind the creation of such different types of balls and not the argument put forward by many of the friends who replied her. Friends I meant to know just the scientific reason and not the general cause behind it. All of you have answered keeping in mind football and cricket. It is known to everybody that both the games are different so instruments will be different. Water game instruments cannot be used on land and so the vice versa. Think why? That's my question.
Devyani, all fingers are not same size and as all people are not same. in the same way all games are in not same, they are played different. So according to the game the ball size has been defined.

I agree with you. Human being has different types of teeth for different purposes. When someone ask about it, he will first explain the scientific reason behind it and then its colour, shape, size and its uses. Likewise answer for this thread will also vary may be it is a ball. If I change it to spoons or different types of jars/container or different types of salts,etc..answer will be scientific.
Now I need to decode question once again as devu is not satisfied with my answer.....OK

Meera sandhu
There are any balls of different shapes and its uses in different games.The shape of the ball depends according to the game.Football games need medium size ball while playing tennis we need small size ball.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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