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gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
I do not support any unlawful encroachment of land by any one. In fact, there is no difference in basic character of rich and powerful on one hand and the poor on the other. This is only a question of capability. The basic character being that of cheats and dishonest, we can expect no better.

That's true, sometimes people no matter what class they come from can be as corrupt as anyone given a chance.It is evident in the kind of adoration they shower on corrupt politicians clearly over looking all their faults and in fact admiring them for what they represent - money and power !

This is against law but they did not follow the government rules.

Obviously ! Thats why it is called land grabbing !!! :dry: We see this happening all over the country , by everyone.Many have the feeling that governemnet land is theirs, and politicians of course think it is their private property !!!

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Land are mainly grabbed by the political leaders,business men not by the simple man.They are just the looser in this world.those who have enough money they are doing so.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Land are mainly grabbed by the political leaders,business men not by the simple man.They are just the looser in this world.those who have enough money they are doing so.

Big people grab big amount of land, whereas given an opportunity even the others do it and feel justified in doing so.How many times we get to hear of colonies being demolished because they were to start with illegal..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Here I am not talking about the large Industrialists,Builders,Politicians and others who all do it on a regular basis and manage to get away with it most of the time...

This happens even with ordinary people ,the poor people and the middle class people.I have seen a piece of land measuring 50 cents ( half acre )marked for making a public park being gobbled up by several households located around it.This is done with absolutely no consideration or concern ....Even the concerned authorities take a very lenient attitude towards the whole issue ...We also see poorer section of the people occupying land belonging to someone else and then refusing to leave, with the authorities supporting them.In many such cases , the owners lose their land with politicians supporting the poor and their cause :dry:

Is this right ?

This is general practice in our country and not right. You can see this being practiced by every one including poor, middle class, upper class and whosoever has the slightest of power. They have another way of grabbing land by constructing a temple in fron and then taking full control
As far others land the influential and powerful with muscle power have the right to do this wrong act without fear.

Yes thats true, you see a small statue being established under a tree and then a platform is built and a story goes round saying that the place is sacred and then it grows, this happens with all religious communities, i have seen little churches,mosques and temples by the road side...and many followers who blindly go and pray without ever bothering to think about other issues !

That is not right at all! The worst scenario of grabbing others' land, like Sunil pointed out is constructing a temple/mosque. I have seen such temples taking shape within 2 days and an idol installed in a very hurried manner. Some temples are built right next to a shabby public toilet even! It really makes me think whether our religion and faith, of which we claim to be so sensitive about, has become so cheap that it is used as a device to grab lands which we do not own!

Also, the frequent issues that we keep hearing about is scores of poor people building their huts and shanties on open lands, and after a few years some political leaders with the help of certain social workers take up their cause to provide water and electricity to those developed slums in order to raise their standard of living! :blink: No one bothers to stop and think how much sweat and blood the owner must have lost when he worked hard to earn money with which he bought that land!! But no, everyone must support the poor slum people! :blink: :unsure:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Land are mainly grabbed by the political leaders,business men not by the simple man.They are just the looser in this world.those who have enough money they are doing so.

Big people grab big amount of land, whereas given an opportunity even the others do it and feel justified in doing so.How many times we get to hear of colonies being demolished because they were to start with illegal..

Everyone grabs others' piece of land when an opportunity appears. Shopkeepers do it all the time, encroach upon footpaths and parking spaces to store and display their goods, hotels to arrange for extra dining space and even common people like us keep encroaching upon their neighbours and society's lands for themselves. Right now there is a big demolition drive going on in Pune where a lot of houses have had to be demolished because they illegally built upon land belonging to someone else.

So this is not a matter that is just being practiced by big goons or politicians, but everyone equally!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Land are mainly grabbed by the political leaders,business men not by the simple man.They are just the looser in this world.those who have enough money they are doing so.

Big people grab big amount of land, whereas given an opportunity even the others do it and feel justified in doing so.How many times we get to hear of colonies being demolished because they were to start with illegal..

It is strange that some people find it so difficult to believe that even the poor people are capable of doing of something illegal!! Having gained the sympathy of others by being poor, it becomes difficult for others to evict them from illegal lands.
Land are mainly grabbed by the political leaders,business men not by the simple man.They are just the looser in this world.those who have enough money they are doing so.

Big people grab big amount of land, whereas given an opportunity even the others do it and feel justified in doing so.How many times we get to hear of colonies being demolished because they were to start with illegal..

It is strange that some people find it so difficult to believe that even the poor people are capable of doing of something illegal!! Having gained the sympathy of others by being poor, it becomes difficult for others to evict them from illegal lands.

Yes and when someone tries to evict them from the land that is rightfully theirs, they are labeled as being heartless and cold and cruel. You will not believe that in Maharashtra, Mumbai and Pune, thousands of such people have got free flats in buildings built especially for them! :blink: While people like you and me toil for 20-30 years trying to pay off the loans we got against mortgaging our houses! We end up paying 50 times more than what we originally bought our house for!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Land are mainly grabbed by the political leaders,business men not by the simple man.They are just the looser in this world.those who have enough money they are doing so.

Big people grab big amount of land, whereas given an opportunity even the others do it and feel justified in doing so.How many times we get to hear of colonies being demolished because they were to start with illegal..

It is strange that some people find it so difficult to believe that even the poor people are capable of doing of something illegal!! Having gained the sympathy of others by being poor, it becomes difficult for others to evict them from illegal lands.

Yes and when someone tries to evict them from the land that is rightfully theirs, they are labeled as being heartless and cold and cruel. You will not believe that in Maharashtra, Mumbai and Pune, thousands of such people have got free flats in buildings built especially for them! :blink: While people like you and me toil for 20-30 years trying to pay off the loans we got against mortgaging our houses! We end up paying 50 times more than what we originally bought our house for!

It is the same in Bangalore where there is a constant struggle going on between the city corporation,slum dwellers and the suffering residents in that particular area because what was once an idyllic spot for them has become a nightmare with a slum coming up in an open area and the surrounding area has become a public toilet !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

To add on....Now with the change in the land acquisition rules , where the owner has to be compensated with market rates and also provided an alternate site elsewhere, land grabbing has become very lucrative.Recently in my own city a large stretch of land was taken over for road widening and instead of the original owners getting the compensation it was the illegal occupiers who got it since they , with the blessings and help of the local MLA had got the RTCs changed in their names and the Corporation only honors Right of Transfer Certificate while giving compensation....The owners have of course gone in for a litigation against the corporation.
I wish there was a more transparent and accountable law where illegal occupation is concerned.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Govt. land are for the public.NO other person can utilized this land.If any one found doing so It the duty of the Govt. to take necessary steps against them.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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