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Land are mainly grabbed by the political leaders,business men not by the simple man.They are just the looser in this world.those who have enough money they are doing so.

Govt. land are for the public.NO other person can utilized this land.If any one found doing so It the duty of the Govt. to take necessary steps against them.

Simple people do it all the time - extending ones compound wall when you have a corner plot, and if no one notices build the compound wall over a rain water gutter is all land grabbing which is as bad ! Politicians of course have bigger and more opportunities than others ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

To add on....Now with the change in the land acquisition rules , where the owner has to be compensated with market rates and also provided an alternate site elsewhere, land grabbing has become very lucrative.Recently in my own city a large stretch of land was taken over for road widening and instead of the original owners getting the compensation it was the illegal occupiers who got it since they , with the blessings and help of the local MLA had got the RTCs changed in their names and the Corporation only honors Right of Transfer Certificate while giving compensation....The owners have of course gone in for a litigation against the corporation.
I wish there was a more transparent and accountable law where illegal occupation is concerned.

Is this law applicable to all the states? Even in our place, Government has been taking up lands for the expansion of National Highway. The owners were compensated with market rates but were not provided any alternative lands.
To add on....Now with the change in the land acquisition rules , where the owner has to be compensated with market rates and also provided an alternate site elsewhere, land grabbing has become very lucrative.Recently in my own city a large stretch of land was taken over for road widening and instead of the original owners getting the compensation it was the illegal occupiers who got it since they , with the blessings and help of the local MLA had got the RTCs changed in their names and the Corporation only honors Right of Transfer Certificate while giving compensation....The owners have of course gone in for a litigation against the corporation.
I wish there was a more transparent and accountable law where illegal occupation is concerned.

Is this law applicable to all the states? Even in our place, Government has been taking up lands for the expansion of National Highway. The owners were compensated with market rates but were not provided any alternative lands.

I think it is a central government ruling and about the site I am not sure, but in Karnataka they have been doing it .They give a smaller site some place far off ,but at least it is better than nothing ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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