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Now I find more and more people concurring with the view that she hasn't committed anything wrong by raising the issue of corruption in judiciary in India. But what has struck me is the kind of noises being made by her Leftist opponents who are ever ready to pick up any stick to beat her, forgetting their own despicable record in showing disrespect to the judiciary. Biman Bose the Left Front Chairman who has set many records in shooting off his mouth once coined this slogan ' Amitava Lala Bangla theke Pala' meaning Justice Amitava Lala ,leave Bengal ans was charged with contempt of court . The case is still before Calcutta High Court!
However, the good thing that may come out of this controversy would probably be that she will be careful in her actions.She has become very intolerant of late and this is something you cannot overlook...she cannot be so dictatorial !!! :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

She could be irresponsible at times but can never grow to be a dictator. I can vouch for that! If you look at her predecessor government's record of letting loose a reign of terror on its own people, in her last one year rule,her administration has not done anything to warrant any such apprehension.
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