The chief Justice has cautioned against over zeal in Judicial Accounting Bill that seeks to curb corruption in judiciary. The chief Justice opines that judicial accountability should not be takes so far as to destroy judicial freedom or autonomy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Every one is ineterested to safeguard there own rights so if th CJ is doing so there is nothing wrong in that.

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The Chief Justice has rightly uttered a word of caution in this regard. Be it in the name of accountability or any other phraseology, any attempt to curb judicial freedom would be a mortal blow to effective functioning of democracy in India. The political class wants to see changes in everybody excepting itself. In this scenario when the judiciary in India has been gloriously successful in exposing the seamy side of our national life,I would support and advise extreme caution in this regard.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
The Chief Justice has rightly uttered a word of caution in this regard. Be it in the name of accountability or any other phraseology, any attempt to curb judicial freedom would be a mortal blow to effective functioning of democracy in India. The political class wants to see changes in everybody excepting itself. In this scenario when the judiciary in India has been gloriously successful in exposing the seamy side of our national life,I would support and advise extreme caution in this regard.

There was a lively debate yesterday on the television about the role of judiciary , this was in context with Mamata Bannerji's comments on the justice system and some of the view points were interesting in that although what Mamata said was not wrong since she was generalising that justice can be bought for money, which I guess even the common citizens would sometimes say...However,how right is it for a CM to make such an observation of the very system that she is a part of ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The Chief Justice has rightly uttered a word of caution in this regard. Be it in the name of accountability or any other phraseology, any attempt to curb judicial freedom would be a mortal blow to effective functioning of democracy in India. The political class wants to see changes in everybody excepting itself. In this scenario when the judiciary in India has been gloriously successful in exposing the seamy side of our national life,I would support and advise extreme caution in this regard.

There was a lively debate yesterday on the television about the role of judiciary , this was in context with Mamata Bannerji's comments on the justice system and some of the view points were interesting in that although what Mamata said was not wrong since she was generalising that justice can be bought for money, which I guess even the common citizens would sometimes say...However,how right is it for a CM to make such an observation of the very system that she is a part of ...

If Mamata Banerjee has not named any particular Judge or court but simply pointed out drawback and corruption in judiciary, there is nothing wrong.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The Chief Justice has rightly uttered a word of caution in this regard. Be it in the name of accountability or any other phraseology, any attempt to curb judicial freedom would be a mortal blow to effective functioning of democracy in India. The political class wants to see changes in everybody excepting itself. In this scenario when the judiciary in India has been gloriously successful in exposing the seamy side of our national life,I would support and advise extreme caution in this regard.

There was a lively debate yesterday on the television about the role of judiciary , this was in context with Mamata Bannerji's comments on the justice system and some of the view points were interesting in that although what Mamata said was not wrong since she was generalising that justice can be bought for money, which I guess even the common citizens would sometimes say...However,how right is it for a CM to make such an observation of the very system that she is a part of ...

If Mamata Banerjee has not named any particular Judge or court but simply pointed out drawback and corruption in judiciary, there is nothing wrong.

I firmly believe that she has a point but in this instance she might have overstepped the line. Even if you don't name any particular judge,you defame the system of which judges are a part!
The Chief Justice has rightly uttered a word of caution in this regard. Be it in the name of accountability or any other phraseology, any attempt to curb judicial freedom would be a mortal blow to effective functioning of democracy in India. The political class wants to see changes in everybody excepting itself. In this scenario when the judiciary in India has been gloriously successful in exposing the seamy side of our national life,I would support and advise extreme caution in this regard.

There was a lively debate yesterday on the television about the role of judiciary , this was in context with Mamata Bannerji's comments on the justice system and some of the view points were interesting in that although what Mamata said was not wrong since she was generalising that justice can be bought for money, which I guess even the common citizens would sometimes say...However,how right is it for a CM to make such an observation of the very system that she is a part of ...

If Mamata Banerjee has not named any particular Judge or court but simply pointed out drawback and corruption in judiciary, there is nothing wrong.

I firmly believe that she has a point but in this instance she might have overstepped the line. Even if you don't name any particular judge,you defame the system of which judges are a part!

She has been overstepping the limit far too often these days with utter disregard for people... No doubt that she is a mass leader who does deliver when it is a matter of common and poorer sections of the society....Surprisingly, yesterday in a poll that was conducted by a news channel, her popularity has actually gone up now that it was before,this inspite of all the controversies surrounding her :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The Chief Justice has rightly uttered a word of caution in this regard. Be it in the name of accountability or any other phraseology, any attempt to curb judicial freedom would be a mortal blow to effective functioning of democracy in India. The political class wants to see changes in everybody excepting itself. In this scenario when the judiciary in India has been gloriously successful in exposing the seamy side of our national life,I would support and advise extreme caution in this regard.

There was a lively debate yesterday on the television about the role of judiciary , this was in context with Mamata Bannerji's comments on the justice system and some of the view points were interesting in that although what Mamata said was not wrong since she was generalising that justice can be bought for money, which I guess even the common citizens would sometimes say...However,how right is it for a CM to make such an observation of the very system that she is a part of ...

If Mamata Banerjee has not named any particular Judge or court but simply pointed out drawback and corruption in judiciary, there is nothing wrong.

I firmly believe that she has a point but in this instance she might have overstepped the line. Even if you don't name any particular judge,you defame the system of which judges are a part!

She has been overstepping the limit far too often these days with utter disregard for people... No doubt that she is a mass leader who does deliver when it is a matter of common and poorer sections of the society....Surprisingly, yesterday in a poll that was conducted by a news channel, her popularity has actually gone up now that it was before,this inspite of all the controversies surrounding her :huh:

Whatever I have observed about her over the years, it's her honesty and plain-speak which are very very rare traits in today's politicians in India- have endeared her to the masses. As far as gaining popularity on this issue - the experience of the common people while dealing with judiciary at the lowest rung is not a happy one and this section has overwhelmingly approved her statement.
The matter of defaming judiciary by Mamata Banerjee is now subjudice. mamata banerjee has accused media of misrepresenting her statement. The court will decide taking in view actual facts.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The matter of defaming judiciary by Mamata Banerjee is now subjudice. mamata banerjee has accused media of misrepresenting her statement. The court will decide taking in view actual facts.

I saw the entire debate yesterday as to the legal implications, which was very interesting...Everyone seemed to agree on one point that she was not wrong in pointing out the wrongs committed by the justice department ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

The Chief Justice has rightly uttered a word of caution in this regard. Be it in the name of accountability or any other phraseology, any attempt to curb judicial freedom would be a mortal blow to effective functioning of democracy in India. The political class wants to see changes in everybody excepting itself. In this scenario when the judiciary in India has been gloriously successful in exposing the seamy side of our national life,I would support and advise extreme caution in this regard.

There was a lively debate yesterday on the television about the role of judiciary , this was in context with Mamata Bannerji's comments on the justice system and some of the view points were interesting in that although what Mamata said was not wrong since she was generalising that justice can be bought for money, which I guess even the common citizens would sometimes say...However,how right is it for a CM to make such an observation of the very system that she is a part of ...

If Mamata Banerjee has not named any particular Judge or court but simply pointed out drawback and corruption in judiciary, there is nothing wrong.

I firmly believe that she has a point but in this instance she might have overstepped the line. Even if you don't name any particular judge,you defame the system of which judges are a part!

Either you may not say anything about administration and judiciary or you have to give your views honestly.. There is nothing wrong in pointing out the lapses and corruption in any organization or system. The only check is that any particular person or office should not be directly pointed out. everyone has his own language or style. I don't think that the West Bengal c.M. used any abusive or insulting language.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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