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12 years ago
Life is a struggle which we have to do to live. :)
12 years ago
A Beautiful Life Begins With A Beautiful Mind…
12 years ago
I never want to die and wanted to live and live this life till forever :)
God gifted the Life to us. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
God gave it to live happily and only to live.. not to die.. :woohoo: :woohoo:
People who understands that only are deserve to avail that Gift. :laugh: :laugh:
You have come in to that category I am really very happy about it. :cheer: :cheer:
God is great so that gives us knowledge of power to understand everything... :) :) :)
WISH YOU LONG LIFE :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
12 years ago
Due to few problems i used to feel to die. but actually in opinion life is a wonderful gift which we get after every 84 births.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
Due to few problems i used to feel to die. but actually in opinion life is a wonderful gift which we get after every 84 births.
no sarala at any cost whatever big the problems may be.............. we should never give up. :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
12 years ago
Due to few problems i used to feel to die. but actually in opinion life is a wonderful gift which we get after every 84 births.
therefore we must not waste it do things which God expect from us for which He gave us birth as a human being. :)
12 years ago
Due to few problems i used to feel to die. but actually in opinion life is a wonderful gift which we get after every 84 births.
therefore we must not waste it do things which God expect from us for which He gave us birth as a human being. :)
Death is no solution for your problem, only people with no ideas would go for it. The real people would face problems with all their might.
12 years ago
If you feel your life and live, then it would be different from what you are living.
We just rush everyday and don't even have time to think a while,for our life.
We just rush everyday and don't even have time to think a while,for our life.
Want to make each day Accountable
12 years ago
Due to few problems i used to feel to die. but actually in opinion life is a wonderful gift which we get after every 84 births.
therefore we must not waste it do things which God expect from us for which He gave us birth as a human being. :)
Death is no solution for your problem, only people with no ideas would go for it. The real people would face problems with all their might.
And that is the way to live life. Life itself would become meaning less if there won't be any problems. :evil:
12 years ago
Life is a wonderful gift given by god, as we get it after a long time so we have to do more good things and help people. as people say serving to human is serving to god.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
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