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No problem dear, we can say, to reserve the thing and i will get the money. then we can go home and get the money or else we can ask husband or some one who is close later when we get money we can return if we borrowed simple

But's desires have no upper bounds!!!

Meera sandhu
Yes, if we think in that's true, shopping is a therapy. Let me take my life as example. I am a house wife full time at home, alone, once my husband and daughter leave home. Once in a week we go for an outing, mostly for a small shopping. It's really a relief from a lonely world where am able to see the external world. Also, if we are purchasing according to our tastes, it will make our mind acting as a stress relieving factor, of course!!!

Sandhya yours is a normal happy family, but there are some women who are going through all sorts of complications in their lives and sitting at home drives them insane and they get even more stressed out .For such people going out and mixing with crowds and being able to forget worries at least for that little period time does prove to be a therapy...

Though my life is a normal life, since we are not at home town, I don't make much friends here. So no friends or relatives. That's why I am feeling very happy interacting with you people. So, even if leading a normal life I feel loneliness here. So outing once in a week is really refreshing me a lot!!!

You may be surprised sandhya, but that is the case with many these days.I hardly interact with people unless necessary since I am busy with my own life and as you say happy to be interacting with like minded people online rather than make obligatory conversation with others...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

But sandhya, if we want human can control the desires too. You know here in visakhapatnam, there is a mall called big bazar. I think it is there in your state and place also. As summer is so hot. all the people who does not AC and power in home, they used to goto that mall for AC and do window shopping.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is a therapy mainly to housewives who need some pretext to move from house. They may spend hours shopping. Malls are meeting points for many.

Possible ! however, it makes them a little more relaxed to have spent some time outside the house and come back in a better frame of mind.As long as they are careful in their spending and dont go overboard, there is no harm in window shopping or even meeting others and spending time with other people...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes, you are right. But such shopping also should be done with peace of mind or else there will be no relaxation and again full of stress and tension will be

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

But, still, if a solution is not attained for depression, shopping malls and the expensive gifts can't bring a smile to those faces. :evil:
A temporary change, that's all!!!

Meera sandhu
Yes this may bring the temporary happiness but sometimes it is helpful.I don't go to shoppig but definitely its like releiving stress when i go out with the friends in Malls. :)
Yes this may bring the temporary happiness but sometimes it is helpful.I don't go to shoppig but definitely its like releiving stress when i go out with the friends in Malls. :)

Yes thats true, just being with people and watching them gives you a positive feeling .Shopping can be addictive if one is not careful, I see some women not missing a single sale ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

For me window shopping is more soothing than shopping itself, I do not have to spend any money and I enjoy to fullest. :laugh: :laugh:

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For me window shopping is more soothing than shopping itself, I do not have to spend any money and I enjoy to fullest. :laugh: :laugh:

Although I don't do it often, i too enjoy looking at various things on display and generally be rubbing shoulders with the crowd and be one of them.But I wouldnt do it on a regular basis..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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