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Its nice Here for appriciation for sings. So I think its good time for sings because singh are rocking. jay ho.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Not only singhs but also all others who are not singhs are also rocking(Don't beat me).But happy that sunny came to see this discussion.

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Hi Friends...
My exams are going on...that's why i'm not able to spend more time on boddunan and recently not in awards list.
Wow!!!! thats amazing guys!!!!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Sunny its nice that you are concentrating on exam . I think exam preparation should be first priority and online work will be second because age will never come again and repetition of same exam is not good thing.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes..Those who have exams should concentrate on them first to have a bright future.
best of luck sunny for ur upcoming exams-!
thank you so much....
it seems to be that is intresetd in the boddunan activities very much
he make it congrats for him now i will try to get it

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