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Sometimes, we are in need of money...sometimes satisfaction and happiness. So, often our decisions may be according to the present time

Meera sandhu
I feel that both are important.You need to have a good salary as well as a good work atmosphere.When you have that you are automatically satisfied with your work.However, the need for money is so great for most people that they will overlook a certain amount of negativities at their work place...It is all based on ones needs ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

No for me money is not important when satisfaction is concerned. I would rather stay jobless if satisfaction is not there.

But on;y job satisfaction can\t do anything when one don't get enough money from it. :blink:
Money and job satisfaction both are important,but job satisfaction is the main.
Money is the main thing now a days if it is satisfied the other will come automatically.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Money is the main thing now a days if it is satisfied the other will come automatically.

You even declined a job of 20,000 that I offered you due to your satisfaction in the present company :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
some times salary will be good but you may not job satisfaction. then we need to prepare ourself mentally and work on it. but if the job giving you alot of stress then it is good to prefer good job which give you satisfaction

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

That's why now I am thinking about writing articles and blogs which gives me satisfaction and of course, a pocket money

Meera sandhu
yes, exactly. Sandhya in my case i have no job satisfaction, i do article writing for boddunan and one of my client. but my aim is different. So soon i will get my satisfied job.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, exactly. Sandhya in my case i have no job satisfaction, i do article writing for boddunan and one of my client. but my aim is different. So soon i will get my satisfied job.

Best of luck!!!!

Meera sandhu
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