Boys are real mischief and girls are a little calm comparing to boys. So, I always feel all parents do need a girl child. If so, they will learn to remain more calm and behave well to other girls, also in society. Becoming parents to only boys make them only rude and gradually they may lose a soft heart. What do you feel?

Meera sandhu
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Parents need children. Preference for boy or girl is meaningless. Parents have no role in selecting gender of baby. As regards politeness or rudeness, this depends on how you groom children.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Parents need children. Preference for boy or girl is meaningless. Parents have no role in selecting gender of baby. As regards politeness or rudeness, this depends on how you groom children.

Sir, am saying about politeness of parents not kids :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
Personally I wanted both. God grants our wish.I have a daughter and a son.
Parents need children. Preference for boy or girl is meaningless. Parents have no role in selecting gender of baby. As regards politeness or rudeness, this depends on how you groom children.

Sir, am saying about politeness of parents not kids :woohoo: :woohoo:

This is funny. parents groom children or is this the other way. I do not think that boy or girl child can change behavior of parents.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

But I always feel so..
Suppose a family contain 3 or 4 boys only. It takes a lot of effort for parents to maintain discipline in the family. By this way, they need to be more strict...their necessity demands so. Girls need only soft words, no hard words to bring her up. By this way, if a family contains boys only, gradually parents become more strict which reflects more in their character too. That may be the reason why they are not able to maintain a calm relationship with daugher-in-laws. They know only to teach discipline in strict manner. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
I don't know about others but I wanted a girl child and I have a girl. I never wanted a second one. Most girls are good.

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I have two daughters and a son and I cannot think of not having had any one of them.It is great when you have daughters as well as sons, if not be happy with what you have...I have never had to be strict with any of them and spoilt them all I can :laugh: Today they make me dance on their finger tips LOL

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

You know daughters are better in every case, maybe they are a little more assertive but you always find them more loving at the end of the day. Now I have a son in shape of her husband and to top it all a cuty for a son as well.

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i think all parents prefer to have a child (boy or girl) both they like. :blink:

Yes both are as good my wife wanted a boy and me a girl. I won in the end.

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